

數學 國中


(41~43) At some stores, people get stickers or stamps on a card when they spend money there. After they collect enough stickers or stamps, they can get gifts or buy things at low prices. Yesterday after I bought coffee; the clerk stamped on my cellphone. How cool it was! My first time! It looks like a stamp we used in the past, but there are many small dots at the bottom. You touch the screen of your cellphone to tell it what to do, and this is also the way smart stamps work. When people use a smart stamp, they hold the top part of the smart stamp. The small electrical charge from people's hands goes through it to the dots at the bottom. Then, the smart stamp tells your cellphone messages with them. The dots of different stores are in different patterns. no alla lil est sill lo busolos With smart stamps, stores don't have to make stickers or cards, and people don't have to keep those things. Stores can also collect some useful information. For example, how many people come and buy things or what is popular? Are there any other good things about smart stamps? Are there things people need to be careful with when they use them? We can know more after smart stamps become more common. sticker 貼紙 electrical charge 電荷 message訊息 pattern 圖案 ( ) 41 Which picture best shows how electrical charge moves when someone uses a smart stamp? (A) (B) (C) (D) MA ( ) 42 "Are there any other good things... become more common." What did the writer want to say? (A) Not everybody needs to use smart stamps. (B) Many people worry a lot when they use smart stamps. (C) Let's learn more after more people experience using smart stamps. (D) Stamps are not common, so people may think about giving them up. ( ) 43. In the reading, the writer mentioned: a. Why people use smart stamps. b. One new thing in the writer's life. c. How smart stamps work. In what order did the writer mention them? (A) abc. (C) cba. 『著作權,翻印必究 9-15 (B) ba→c. (D) b→ c→a. 三美 mention提及

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英文 國中


第二部分:題組(第21~43題,共20題) (24~26) The artwork, "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" by Beeple was sold at a record-breaking price of almost seventy million US dollars. This made Beeple, whose real name is Mike Winkelmann, one of the three most expensive living artists now. This artwork is a collage of 5,000 photos about people's life. It took Winkelmann 13 years to finish it. By taking a close look at these photos, people can see the changes in not only the people but also the country over the past 13 years. Different from the artworks people used to see in the museum, "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" is the first Non-Fungible Token (NFT) artwork that can only be seen on the computer. Unlike other photos which might be copied on the Internet over and over again, an artwork with an NFT is just like having the artist's name on it, which saves it from being copied. Thanks to NFT, sellers and buyers can make sure they are the only owners of the great artwork in the world. In fact, any GIFs, photos, and pictures on the computer can be made into NFT artworks. As a new superstar in the art world, Winkelmann's work has turned over a new page in art history. artist 藝術家 Non-Fungible Token (NFT) 非同質化代幣 unlike 和...不同 GIF圖像互換格式 What can we know about "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" from the reading? (A) It tells the history of the country. It took the artist 4,000 days to finish it. X It is the most expensive artwork in history. X (D) It is a new and special type of art in the art world. 25. Which is NOT true about NFT? (A) NFT can help artists to raise the price of their artworks. B/NFT NFT saves artworks from being copied on the computer. (C) It helps artists to send works to buyers through computers. DPhotos or pictures on the Internet can be made into NFT artworks.

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英文 國中


ane ng la is n (38~41) 5:00 有点 個 Usually I wouldn't cross the park at this time of night. But walking around the park would take more time, and it was raining so hard that I couldn't even see clearly what was right before me. So I entered the park. And that was the first stupid thing I did tonight. 38 into Soon after I walked into the park, I saw a man under a tree up ahead. My heart fell The stories I'd heard about the park But me? No. I did 39 my head at this moment. Anyone with a clear mind would just turn back. stupid thing: I decided to hurry past him. Just when I was passing the man, he raised his head and gave me the strangest smile ever. I got scared and started running. “Hey!” the man me! shouted from behind. "Wait!" He was running after I ran like crazy. I had hoped the trees would keep some rain off. 40. But they also made the park look even darker. I couldn't see what was ahead of me. Then, I ran into something. It was And they the man! "Don't kill me!" I cried. "What? I 41 gave me my bag. to give back your bag! You dropped it," the man Now, I felt saying that to the man was the stupidest thing I did tonight. 第一部分 作答說明 ( 38 ) are all coming 57%) (47% (C) were all coming 39. (A) another ✓ one ✓ the last ☑ have all come (D) would all come 54%) 51% the other 40. A have 41. (B) did (C) had (D) would was trying (C) would try (B) try ( will try ahead 在前面

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