


英文 國中


(A) waited (B)3. Ms. Lee is a(n) week. (B) shouted 誠實 (C) listened (D) agreed businesswoman. Just now in her shop, she gave me back the wallet I left on the table last (A) famous (B) honest (C) important (D) smart reading maps. (D)4. Lexie Even with a map, she still cannot find her way when she is in a foreign city. (A) is careful about (B) is good at (C) has fun (D) has trouble ()5. More and more cows on this farm are getting sick. The problem is so tomorrow on. (A) heavy (B) popular (C) serious (D) strong (C)6. Some songs are forgotten very quickly. A really good song can pass the test of many years. (A) knowledge (B) sound (C) time (D) weather (A)7. I'm not sure if Kevin this morning, but if he does, I'll tell him that (A) will come in (B) comes in (C) has come in (D) came in (B)8. I think the road ends here; it won't go any Ad 2. (A) closer (B) farther (C) faster (D) longer Jogging is the only exercise I enjoy. I find (A) all (B) few (C) many (D) some you Shouldn't we turn back? Be of 110, Smart Head, one of the hottest TV programs these days, correctly in 15 minutes. (A) have given (B) gives (C) giving (D) to give )11. Helen: Can you turn off the TV? that the farm will be closed from called. other kinds of exercise boring. I can't study with the Troy: You can just go back to your room so you won't hear it. (A) noise (B) heat (C) power (D) light ()12. Carson: Bye, girls. See you tomorrow, Phoebe. Shirley: did Carson say he would see you tomorrow? Phoebe: We're going out for a picnic. Do you want to come? (A) What (B) When (C) Where (D) Why and be remembered for many, people free plane tickets to Hawaii if they can answer

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