


社會 國中

第2和8和9謝謝 求解+講解

歷史 主題 - 一、單題:84 分(每題7分) 4 第二冊複習 )8. 文宜上網搜尋資料後找 到一張如右列的圖片, 她查詢時輸入的關鍵字 應是下列何者?(A)余 (B)1.日本開始在臺灣推行皇民化運動的背 景,與哪一史實有關? (A)一次大戰 (B)中日戰爭(C)甲午戰爭(D)霧社事件。 ( ) 2.右圖為臺灣人發行 的某刊物對當時社 會活動的報導。根 據內容判斷,此一 刊物最可能是下列 何者?(A)《新青 年》(B)《美麗島》 (C)《臺灣民報》(D)《自由中國》。 (C)3.台灣民主國抗日的背景,與清廷在下 列哪一次戰爭時簽訂條約割讓台灣有 關? (A)英法聯軍(B)清法戰爭(C)甲午 感開 胞的智識。 【感有裨益,俱希望能繼續開會,啟同 開文化演講會,聽講者興味津津,深 文化協會已於六月一日起三夜, 「以普及民眾的文化。 地設置讀報社,擬開羅馬字講習會, 會教育,很有貢獻。......臺南本部擇 臺南的文協演講 臺灣文化協會創立以來,對於社 清芳(B)劉永福(C)沈葆楨(D)林獻堂。 ( 09. 阿欣完成了臺灣史報告,她將報告的 關鍵詞設定爲「報禁」、「美麗島事 件」、「耕者有其田」等,依此推斷 ,該報告的主題最可能是下列何者? (A)戒嚴時期的社會面貌(B)日治時期的 0 年 民主運動(C)韓戰時期的外交衝擊(D)抗 過專責戰時期的國家政策。 17世 (D)10.右列事件依照發生 時間先後順序排列 西甲二,正確爲何?(A) 甲 雷震事件 乙 二二八事件 丙 美麗島事件 8 公民 - 單題:77 分 01. 聯合國在 權宣言》 社會文化 政治權 公約的 (A)人性 經濟成 2.近年來 子化現 何種家 增加? 孫)家 03. 右列空 入何去

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英文 國中

想問一下15 21 22看了詳解還是不懂😭

all. T苦的 ere for cup of follow 第二冊 • 單元3 | B2(1)1~2課 67 15 Mom: Oh, no! Your brother forgot his recorder. When_does he have music class? Can you take it to his school? Leon: It's in the afternoon. Don't worry. I'll take it to him. (A) does (B) has (C) did (D) is 16. H ber (A) In the morning. stay (C) Three times a week. MINDY, nove 10 adinom s Lin: How often does your grandma sell vegetables at the market? grugnal won A won Betty: od of sldison ai on to Tre (A) got hurt TE(C) hurt SCH Caleibend sal 17. Daniel can't go mountain climbing with his friends because he yd anobi nodi que of svar avles He can hardly walk right now. olaj (ould) or\,(BOT) 18. It's really cold today. I need a yfish (A) thin BUGS molnig ve Toolkoqe a naɔ wo he (C) thick (A) 19. Hank, one of my classmates, en Nd Bhe(A) enjoys mming with lides. A 2 A Hoping (C) enjoying re was on his side 精熟題大展身手 (A) 20. Louis: What (22) blow sch 1100 sm SVIO VEz yiqine blu esvloems even spent ten thousand dollars buying a limited edition toy car. egled an09 idoT as (B) enjoyed (D) to enjoy (B) For two hours. (D) Before noon. 970.noqisor\\equid of of rund I always do di lumans of side ed of 1005 ai burnoqgs „ano'9 izlo7 rad OE roods vino ni Jail (B) hurt himself (D) was hurt at jullibar 11 blanket to keep warm. (B) cool (D) strange collecting toy cars. He has over thirty of them, and he limited edition FR recorder (A) Don't you? (B) Didn't you? (D) Can't you? (C) Aren't you? 23 Evan: Do you ever go bicycle riding around the lake? Doris: No, Evan: It's fun. Maybe you can give it a try. (A) never your son do? Mrs. Wu: Ride a bike. Besides, he can also roller-skate. bedove (A) can (B) does 現在的事實(現在簡單d (D) will (1) Mrs. Huang: Your sweater is too small. Why don't you buy a new one? (5) Joyce: It means a lot to me. I will think of my mom if I wear it.com (C) Mrs. Huang: No wonder you often wear it. (A) aren't (B) can't G009 (C) didn't Josh: Wow! You got the best grade in math this time. Wendy: I study math for an hour every day. don't you w Josh: Well, I'm not interested in math. (B) I never did (D) very often his feet yesterday. roller-skate no wonder # loT (D) don't JA (A) La To 129881 olguns 101 (0) abriow Todto nl (0) 第二冊

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