


英文 國中

求解2.3.6題 謝謝

0 ( (?》 3 A: Kelly hasnt been herself lately ontest B: Maybe she's under great stress: the singingc eds fo be rm, soI en talking ! is next week | AAre you ready to lend an ear? Will it affe e 【 同 i affect her perforfrnant 澀 同 3 (C ls there anything bugging her YaShould she be responsible for 1 行 ) 四、克漏字選摔。(每題2分,共 14分) 1 Reading Greek mythology may be bb English words. Some ofthe words, like ecA#4o, WerTe for memoriztng 5 品卻 ns wehear tt 3 _narme knows, the njlhfe. 0 Greek. When we hear asound echo, it mea more than once. This word came from aa nymph - was Echo in Greek mythology, _4_everybody ee King ofthe gods, Zeus, has_5_awife but also many other 3 Women on Earth. To help Zeus cheat on : Hera, Zeus's Wilfe, Echo sometimes Stopped Hera with avery long Story When % 之eus was dating other women. Echo's volce _6_ away When 3 Hera found out what she was doing. From then on, Echo ? couldnt speak exceptto_7_the words 9 others, and thatsS how echo got its meaning-. ! Al 希臘的 ; 希臘語 mythology 神話 | nymph 仙女 ) 誤 22922o9o2oooooooooo Kend. ooo<= 點 (哆 Gi (close6 廬 (B) helpful 人 計 G@ chemical (D) responsible (及 2 lemttoz han eiorloz人條Wento 1 0@borowedfrom 0used for 3 her 1 勵Whos (Q which (0D whose As中區: 全For ,(QExoept DUmtil (Botonly (0 either (Oheither 說 Y ataken 人0 hadbeentaken (8) repeat (0 waste。 (0D) affect ivys 1 1 革20tbc 1 和2 (每格1分,共10分

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英文 國中


/as alittle girl SOWSHEIWV 同 7hen 5 Ivy music in foreign sd to 3 ned stud Am S 全 because they thought ezr do 5 語 ft 汪 ther jream come true, Florence 弦 eher drc: 時 gl 晤說nake Aever he IS Jders nging- 全 fries when she got htalemt for sn 語n lam me She poun eenoug 說 an 還 計 Our人 nd hat she got ITIDEE tt Flor per boyfriend. ised ved she ce 0 JO SO one belie jinging ou Many years JateP 一 同 though started 5 as : 人 人 d them softime je 5 本 spent Jots 主全 she 蕊 age 9f44, she had 全 生 , and sheJ jng Joud'y. - 同 couJdn't stop Jaugh Thousands of people an before- 蚊几呈 紅出 944, she finally deeidu But one oneversay le even more PoPu! 辣 ided After 崗af, FIorence became difficult 6o get 還呈any Ma 攻人各 was f76. Att 1 Go attend her concert, so 的 ri 人 rge musIC fto hoJd her concert ja la 全人 rd War J, 革 solders were Eng 同 4._. Florence was Tea i th later jed one Imon However many people 世ought: 凡 全ir人9 when she d 全 s she wore asmi maypbe 也af was why she w ii 閃 給 [喇 outoftune 走誕 4 位 music hs糾 呈2 eageo hall at the ag 同 nmd more AmeT Ica lly happy to know that, and 1 > ney ]. (A) practiced playing 由e piano and made much money (B) had an interest in music and dreamed of belng a 器人 ; (C) visited different countries and wanted to live in forelgn countries ! (0D) always fought with her parents because they thought differently about drawi | 5 @@@O@ | 2. (A) her boyfriend didn't become her husband | (8) she changed her mind and wanted to be a businesswoman | (C) Morence's father died and left her much money (D) she sfarted to Jearn dancing im a foreign school @@@O@ 3. (A) She wasnt brave enough and coul qntsing well (B) Florenee ITeajly hurt those people%s fu hould join the War to fiph ats golng to Florenceys concert (CO Herfans wo ] gnt for her country ]ik uld never 5tohereong eother women Tistening to Forencess SOngs hel 和Sagain in the future cped the 計量hi forget their troubles 勿擂自凜扎

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英文 國中

求解 感謝~~~

e-American family mm akei ( 喬治選 治武井 ) was borm in America into a Japanes o Georg king of his country, sloved their son a 1937. At that time, King George VI ofthe UK just_1 K. George's parent med him George to show his love for the U boy. Most of his classmates father nar Jot, butAmerica and Japan were at war when he wasa little weren't friendly to him, so he felt sad most ofthe time- chool and leared many useful things Atthe age of 19, George entered afamous s achanceto work for amovie and ck to school and started to learm 時生 about building houses. One day, he got his interest In acting- After finishing the work, he wemt ba aWwell-known actor acting. Then he appeared in some movies and became to be faimous at thatttme, cult for a Japanese-American actor On May 16,2008, Takei ne-sex couple to get m: 3._hard In fact, it was quite d andq his but he still became very well-knownm- announeed that he ewould be getting married. They were the first Sa is almost elghty yearso edontlike htm arried loved on: jm West Hollywood. Even though he ights of same-sex couples. However, some peopl ld now, he stil because he got for ther married to aman- He looks on the bright side ofeverything, so he always feels happy though some He never loses hope and believes in people. For him, every 4 s important to trea 區 Japanese-American 日 說美籍的“War 全 ohe people may dislike him. it everyone equally one day. inAmerica, the land of chance, welL-known 出名的 announce same-sex couple 同 性 (B) becomes 全@@@| (A) became (D) is becoming (C) will become (B) finds @@@O@ 2. (A) found (C) will fmd (D) find @@@O@ 3. (A) fight (B) fights (G@ fought (D) fighting @@@@| 4 (A) lunderstood (B) 18 umderstanding (CO wil umderstand (D) understands

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