


英文 國中


10 as on 3 Stoledo 精熟學習能力評量 克漏字選擇:12分(每題2分) TOWO 1. Annie : Wow! What a cool scooter ! Is that David : Yes, it's mine. My grandma 2. month. Annie : I see. By the bro David : It was time. Annie : It rained a lot here yesterday. 4. David : 5. hot and sunny. Here is a gift for you. 300 to Annie : 6. ro 921 793 David ? as my birthday gift last way, how was your trip to Pingtung yesterday ? . I visited many interesting places. I had a good wode. the weather in Pingtung ? JE in good so Thank you. (D) heegbasta ( ) 1. (A) you (B) yours abritid (C) hiso ( ) 2. (A) gave me to it risw 90 ((B) gave it me to tow 3 (A) (C) bought it for me di onu (CI(D) bought me it sw 601 9m (0) ( ) 3. (A) fun (B) kind (C) mad omul (D) heavy MSI ( ) 4. (A) How's sw C (B) What's w © (C) How was (a) (D) What was A) ( ) 5. (A) They were (B) It was (1): (C) This was VTTO2: a (D) That was I WSM LolbH A. ( ) 6. (A) I don't think so. mod 2's (a) (B) It's very kind of you. on W (A) (C) How come ? dt overi noy (Q (D) Whose gift is it ? ai ainT (0) 二、閱讀素養題:6分(每題2分) blog rioy at AS White Town -5°C -3°C . Blue Town 6°C ~ 11°C Weather in Duck Island Today adli yotW (a) 90 mio nov hib vow (o) di tuods Elnins AS (@) : 1912 l ti guod tej ora e'st al: Symantel (2) Si, toxls 90r1W (A) Sligo yellow o townov bid (9 mm 10°C – 15C I 1991 A. Sorodt ob nosan sdw (A) mis Ud./ Orange Town 170 ~ 22Calo • Yellow Town Green Town 13°C ~ 19°C Black Town 15 C - 20°C COWOH (E . Red Town 16°C - 24°C (翰)英語) ~ 12 ~

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