


英文 國中


用be動詞 仍須利 除了沿用原來表天氣的形容詞之外,也可換進其他表天氣的形容詞。 1:Dan: Was it hot and sunny yesterday?(昨天炎熱又陽光普照嗎?) Sue: Yes, it was hot and sunny yesterday.(是的,昨天炎熱又陽光普照。) 2:Meg: Is it warm here in March?(這裡三月暖和嗎? ·回答 Yes,形容詞沿用 Pai: No, it's cool.(不,很涼爽。) 「小試一下] (一)填充題 回答No,可換其他表天氣的形容詞回應 1. Ann: Leo: 2. Ben: How's It's What's the weather in Australia on Christmas? hot, but it's cold in the USA. Sue: It's 過去 3. Roy: Was ~ it Ken: Yes, the weather like there in fall? windy and cool. it rainy in Taipei last week? was cold and rainy in Taipei last week. 翻譯填空)wone與(爾: 1. Jim:臺灣夏天天氣怎麼樣? Rita:炎熱又多雨。 Jim: What's CLI Rita: wat's the weather_like hot andom ra 2. Jay:昨天下午多雲嗎? Jill:是的,而且風很大。 Was Jill: Yes, and nie in Taiwan in summer? rainy wom mmer? 用類只, 當(零)wo nin it was 3. Ben:你不喜歡臺南冬天的天氣嗎? ·練習· cloudy yesterday afternoon? windy. Zoe:是的,我喜歡。不很冷,而且經常溫暖又陽光普照的。 Ben: Don't you like the weather in Tainan in winter? Zoe: I often warm and sunny. It's not very cold, and it 一)依提示作答 1. It's cool and windy here in fall. (用What 開頭造原問句) What's the weather like here in fall? 2. It was very cold yesterday. (用How 開頭造原問句) How was the weather yesterday?

已解決 回答數: 2
英文 國中

有人能幫我看看我有沒有寫錯嗎?其中有一題空白我看不懂題目在講什麼🤣 如果有錯拜托幫我糾正,感謝🙏🙏🙏

29 32 31 ( 28 ( 23 25 26 27 24 )18. 五、選出正確答案 22 )19. B )20. )21. B 全民 The Lins do not have a the living room. [96-1] (A) (C) dinging room bathroom Although William is a our language very well. (A) foreigner (B) leader (C) mailman (D) teenager I walked to school every day really fun and convenient to go to school by bike. [97-2] my dad bought me a bike last month. It's after (A) (C) if Linda Jenny, will you still be here this afternoon? Jenny Yeah, I think I'll stay five. (A) at (C) since ( Qwe The woman you met in the library yesterday (A) giving (B) given m I'm not sure if they (A) had had (B) have )Do you know the men (A) who is (A) about (B) why 30 (7) 1 I don't know the girl in their small apartment, so they always have meals in (C) to give (D) will give One of the boys over there is Mr. Lin's son. B (A) who are playing (B) that plays (C) which is playing (D) who playing )This is all I know about the restaurant is famous for its steak and spaghetti. (B) meeting room (D) bedroom [97-2] in this country, he knows many people here and speaks (A) which; which (B) which; that (C) that; that (D) what; what Bic who are We are all excited )Can I take a look at the pictures that (A) to be (B) was (C) were (D) have Someone is knocking the door. Would you go see who (A) x; they are (B) on; they are (C) x; he is (D) on; it is (A) talks (B) are talking )A: The girl B: What a small world! (B) (D) )It is true (A) when (B) that because unti Then I'll leave for dinner. [100-1] for until (B) (D) OB (A) who (B) x (C) with whom (D) whom our school a lot of books. Hank likes Jenny very much. (C) whether (D) how a barbecue next weekend. (C) will have (D) have had talking under the tree? (C) that is (b) that he won first place in the swimming race. (C) whether (D) that taken by your brother in Lanyu? about that famous band. (C) that talk (D) who is talking I made friends during my trip to Taitung is Lisa's sister. ? to lead and help blind people their everyday lives. 3 ()Guide dogs are dogs (A) who train; in (B) which are trained; in (C) train; for (D) are trained; for

已解決 回答數: 1