


英文 國中

2023/05/06 01:29 vivo X80-ZEISSY 政 檢舉 盜版 | 建議售價 120 元 | 702051937011 公司理:话:0800-0 敬請支持優質 康軒文教 小試身手。 依提示回答問題 1. Should Emma buy the dress? Emma isn't sure. (用 whether 合併句子) (2) 名詞子句當主詞的用法: 名詞子句 附解答分析), 真人影音角 題題詳解 100~ 2. The cake tastes good. (加入 They said 並改寫句子) 自學便利 (影音解析 詳盡解析 試題收錄 名詞子句 例句 That Ivy decided to study abroad is true. (Ivy 決定出國念書是真的。) = It is true (that) Ivy decided to study abroad. that 引導的 名詞子句 wh- 引導的 名詞子句 whether 引導 的名詞子句 注意 1. 名詞子句當主詞時視為單數,且 that、wh- 疑問詞及 whether 皆不可省略 2. that 引導的名詞子句當主詞時,可和虛主詞 It 的句型互換。 3. whether 引導的名詞子句當主詞時,不能用 if 替換 Why Sam made such a stupid mistake is still a mystery. (Sam 為什麼犯了這麼愚蠢的錯誤仍然是個謎。) Whether they are going to the party (or not) isn't important to me. (他們是否會去那場派對對我來說不重要。) (3) 比較 that 引導的「名詞子句」和「形容詞子句」: 子句 說明 功能同「名詞」,可作 為主詞、受詞或補語 功能同「形容詞」,前 形容詞子句 面須有名詞作為先行 詞 例句 I believe (that) John is an honest boy. (我相信 John 是個誠實的男孩。) 名詞子句為動詞 believe 的受詞 The boy that is riding a bike is Kevin. (那個正在騎腳踏車的男孩是 Kevin。) > 形容詞子句修飾先行詞 The boy → Do you like the cap (that) I bought yesterday? (你喜歡我昨天買的那頂帽子嗎?) 形容詞子句修飾先行詞 the cap

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英文 國中


綜合 領域 A Different Life 生命 X 教育 ▶252 words Ken Smith, who comes from Derbyshire, England, lives a life quite different from that of all the other modern people. For the past forty years, he has lived all by himself in a hand-made cabin by a lake in the Highlands, England. The nearest road from the cabin is about a two-hour walk away. Because Ken's cabin is in a remote place, he lives without gas, electricity, or running water. He eats the fish he catches from the lake, and he grows his own vegetables. There is no bathroom in his cabin, so he takes a bath or washes his clothes in an old bath outside. 38. but he never wants to get away for a change. Why did this 74-year-old man choose to live a life like this? It has to do with something terrible that happened to him when he was 26. One night when he was out, he was attacked by a group of bad guys. He was hurt so seriously that he had to stay in hospital for weeks. Because of this, 39. And that is why he has lived in nature all himself since then. In 2019, Ken got very sick and was sent to move to town for better care, but he did not want to. He $t. wishes they could do it but nobody ever does," he said. What do you think of Ken's life story? 搶先試試看 (38A He is often hungry 推論 (B) He is tired of his life It is sometimes noisy there (D) Life there is difficult and lonely A) 39 (A) he wanted to fight for himself 推論 推論 cabin 40. (A) changed his mind Bhis life has changed for the better (C) his world took a life changing ture."他的世界發生番天覆地的變化(這人為功擊, Dhe wanted to get the help he needed PFL以高雄群所居) (B) enjoyed his new life (C) went back to his cabin (D) did not know what to do with his life Fort William. Then he was asked to 40. "It's a nice life. Everybody 39 remote electricity attack 1111

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英文 國中


亚聞| 庭 1 9 O 2 1 C m Z2m o o 時從同一高度靜止釋放 時間(秒) 則兩球落下距離均為20 公分時,重力對甲、乙兩球所作的功 Wp、Wz的大小關係,下列 何者正確? (A)We > Wa>0 (B)We=Wz>0 (C)We <Wz<0 (D) We=Wz<0 如圖,在光滑無摩擦的水平面上,靜止的甲、乙兩物體質量分別為 m、2m,受相同的水平力F作用,沿力的方向移動相同的距離S, } un 則下列何者正確? Ele: wo (AF對乙物體作功較大(B)F對甲物體作功較大(C)甲、乙兩物 體獲得的動能一樣大(D)甲物體獲得的動能比乙物體獲得的動能大 ( )46. 下列何者作功最多? (A)提3公斤行李站立等候巴士20分鐘(B)複習教科書準備聯考(C)由一樓提3公斤重物 上二樓(D)提3公斤物體在操場上跑5分鐘 ( 47. 兩靜止物體A、B,其質量比為1:3,它們受相同之力作用而開始運動,1秒後此二物體 動能之比為: (A)1 : 3 (B)3 : 1 (C)1:9 (D)9 : 1 • ( 48. 在 水平桌面上放置甲、乙兩個相同的木塊,重量皆為7gw,都 受到了N 的力作用,但兩 木塊仍然呈靜止狀態,如右圖,下列敘述何者正確? (A)7N的力對兩木塊都不作功(B)重力對甲不作功,但對乙作功(C) 兩木塊所受的摩擦力都是7N (D)甲 重力位能不變,乙 重力位能變 (049.下列哪一情況,力對物體作功不為零? (A)物體作等速率圓周運動時,向心力對物體所作之功(B)欣芷用力推牆,牆固定不動, 她施力對牆所作之功(C)汽車作等速度直線運動時,它所受的合力對此汽車所作之功(C 滑雪者沿著斜坡等速下滑過程中,所受的重力對人所作之功。 ( 150 繼完工人甘佑饰 o > 7N |乙 > 9 htlift-HITE --作、小节一向活府

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英文 國中


en (D) too lucky to see to me. But my it. interested; about excited; at is so that everyone C 31.(A) falls (B) fall (C) fell () have fallen 32.(A) got (B) get (C) gets (D) have gotten A () Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all caring; excited scaring; surprising problem; many about it. worry; worrying worrying; worried to Ed Sheeran's latest And sweetest in the gale is heard And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm 2公斤 am Eing to you sed to you She has So citing (D) to excite 立動 170 兰 FA D動毛公 Ders yesterday. 移動 I've heard it in the chilliest land And on the strangest sea Yet, never, in extremity It asked a crumb of 33 by Emily Dickinson * feather H; perch ; tune ; gale EA abash FÉ; chilliest ## $#J; extremity to Cumb 麵包屑 33. Pay attention to the rhyme (*) of the poem and fill in the blank with: (A) hope (B) trouble (C) world (D) me 34. What is the main idea of this poem? (A) Where there is a “hope”, there is a way. A (B) Don't be afraid of hope. (© Don't go to the chilliest place. (D) A bird likes to sing in the storm. 35. What could it mean? (A) The storm (B) The soul (C) The strangest sea (D) Hope 36. Which animal with feathers is most likely ( 气功三 1 幼 all the tests. to wear it. ody likes him. D Es. James. ABF) in the poem? 一 ried for (A) A bird (B) A chicken (C) A dragon (D) A dog ay, Mr. James Fay home. E)

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