


英文 國中


二、填空:每題1分,共5分 1. Which pie do you want, the apple or the orange? 2. What did the cheese taste like? Do you like it? 3. Cinderella's two sisters are pretty, but Cinderella is the the pretties pretty) of the three. Ship 4. Ed: How did you feel after Mr. Wang agreed with your plan? Ian: Very surprised. 9. Dad was little, and then he moved to the cl 10. Eason and I made a d 1. my bike, and I'll buy him a drink. 5. Liz: Of all the boys, no one is as hard-working as Josh. Jill: You're right. He is the most hard-working. M TUER DEDICE BA bor Vu us 語法選擇:每題2 分,共20分 ) 1. Elaine: You ate the salt ice cream. De quo FIER 20 LOR MAICI CUR A₂ C17 did it taste? cu pOLLOW YOUNG (LOUr2.om I didn't huish I didn't finish it. (C) Which Joshua: Not so good. (A) What like (B) How TAKE 10 000 2. Melody: I only have thirty dollars. is OF WON HO Aug. the hot dog? zuobbik Day as ambig ben bmp: HS Cindy: The hot dog. It's $25. que UGM (A) the cheapest (B) the cheaper much cheaper (D) the most cheap He'll fix (D) Why Which one French fries, popcorn, or ) 3. Sophie: Did you eat the apple pie on the table? Matt: No, I didn't, but it smells SE IN MOUGELIN (A) more delicious 31 (C) very delicious We should try its 1000 your quercur (B) the delicious one alt delicious the happiest de o (D) the most most CLIKE BALINE JULICE Those two men are smiling and shaking hands. They look like (A) old friends ZAGHG FOOT FO friendly (D) bad guys min Ann 164 17 MIC

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英文 國中


5 f ey the SD 解題要領 步驟 1. 先留意報導中出現的人、事、物、時、或數據,並預測圖表的目的。 步驟 2. 看清統計圖的大標,以及縱軸與橫軸的數字意義。 步驟 3. 從題目的題幹及選項,判斷需要從文章尋找的線索,並標示關鍵字,逐題作答。 67 1 34.10) 核心素養:公民意識 - Word Count: 115 As shown in Chart 1, the percentage of those aged between 18 and 30 living with family has been on the rise since 1960.) (Though more and more people have jobs and better chances of getting higher pay and some of them choose to walk into family life in their late 20s, the number of those living with parents is still rising Besides, more and more people tend to get married at higher ages (Chart 2). Most of them point out thatslow-growing pay and sky-high rents in the city make it not possible for young people to move out and live on their own.On the next page, we will talk more about this. Chart 1 The percentage of young people living in their parents' home. (%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1960 BA) (35 1974 1988 2012 解 34 此題考「主旨」。 同學須從報導中的敘述,歸納此篇文章所談論的大意為 何。 B Chart 2 The age for young women and men getting married. women Emen (age) 30 p Teddium 201 100 151 25 0 20199(year) of Medtina 1960 wom Jard: 10 5 37 1974 chart 圖表 percentage 百分比 tend 傾向 解 35 此題考「搜尋細節」。 1988 34. What does the reading talk about? obstuga midoru soe dite the A More and more people move back with their parents. (B) Under-age marriages become common. (C) Better jobs and better pay lead to better family life. BOTTO (D) Young people work hard to buy a house. What can we know from the reading? 2012 2019(year) 題目問四個選項何者正確,皆由二張統計圖來判斷。要 有耐心去比對選項的敘述是否與圖表中的數字相符。 rent 租金 (A) Men used to get married four years younger than women did in 1974. (B)Between 2012 and 2019, around one-third of young people live at home. (C) In the past 59 years, the number of those slaying home grows around 15%. (D) In 1960, women got married at 20 and 19% of them lived with their parents. percentage 越来越多人和父母住 1960s In Chart

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英文 國中

求11 13 16 19 講解 ,這四題不太懂 謝謝🥹💕

and he doesn't even know her name. (A) daughter (B) friend (C) stranger" (D) teacher 陌生人 2. (B)Every time my family goes out, my brother is always the last one to often have to wait for him for a long time. 3. (A) cultures (B) interviews (C) notebooks (D) dictionaries 4. (My dad is a 5. (A) cheer up (B) get ready (C) give up (D) slow down D₂ )It was Tina's dream to travel around the world. She has traveled to many countries and experienced different (A) hopes (B) planets (C) value (D) presents 6. (.)The new policy about women's right for education has country. (A) engineer (B)gender (C) allowed (D) raised 7. (B.) A:Do you like Jackson 's song of "Singing with your heart"? B: In my it's the worst one of the Top 10. 8. ( ·0 (A) hopes (B) opinion (C) plants (D) presents )Please send me 9. (A.) on your trip so I can learn some different culture of other countries.. (A) lawyers (B) presents (C) genders (D) e-mails Ken is looking for a new job because he doesn't want to be a (A) lawyer (B) pleasure (C) stranger (D) daughter 10. ( .(() ) A: Mom and Dad won't be home until next Wednesday. B: Can I use mom's (D) culture 4. 15. ( 二、文法測驗: 11. 16. 7. ( He likes to talk to people and explain how great the cars are. (A) mailman (B) policeman (C) salesman (D) fisherman Although the house has been lived for ten years, it still keeps its high and attraction (A.) do The salesman has sold five cars this month, 12. (A) has (B) hasn'tPP (C) does (D) doesn't 13.((. )I can't go to the movies with you because I D without asking her first? (A) present (B) pleasure (C)notebook 18. B Thanks to my friends, the work can K. ite on time. (B) have done (C) be done (D) been done hasn't he? We (A) have told (B) told (C) was told (D) been told Sean seldom cleans his house, (A) doesn't he (B) does he many discussions in the anymore. not to go home late tonight. )A: I have no idea (A) where to buy (B) what to bring (C) why to go (D) how to read ? (C) has he (D) hasn't he for the interview. B: An honest heart and nice smile. You've finished your science report, (A) did you (B) didn't you (C) haven't you (D) have you ) "Can you tell us who was watching movie with you this afternoon "? is a common question that popular stars on TV interviews. (A) will to be asked (B) what to be think (C) how to be asked Whether my aunt this afternoon or not, my grandma's still be held on time. We have prepared it for three weeks. (A) is coming (B) comes (Ⓒ) will (C) will come (D) has come 現在式代替來 D) are often asked birthday party will

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英文 國中

請問第12題,the other不是剩下的那一個嗎?照理來說member應該是單數,但為什麼題目的是複數?

aipei during the Chinese New Year. (A) little We still have (B) a little (C) a lot AB eggs and (D) a few flour in our refrigerator, so we don't need to go shopping to (C) few; little (A) a few; a little A7. (B) a little; a few He is a new student in this class, so he tries to make (A) a few (D) little; few friends in the class. (D) little (B) few (C) a little 8. Some of the band members played a few songs, and (A) the other member (B) the others sang with the music. (C) others (D) the others members B⁹. Choose the right answer. A) I know two of his parents. (B) All the oranges look fresh. (C) I will meet one of the businessman. (D) Much of the orange juice taste good. 10. of the dirty air A' (A) Most; comes (B) All; come Much; come (D) Few; comes D 11. Some of them can play the piano, but (A) other (B) others (C) the other D13 Some of the band members played my favorite song, and (A) the other (D) the others members sang with them. (D) others (B) one another (C) another 13. of the fruit at the stand looks fresh. Maybe we can get some home. D' (A) One (B) Many (C) Both (D) Some B4. 14. There are two girls selling drinks by the stand. of them are my classmates. (D) One (A) Two (B) Both (C) All ( 15. of the students comes from the U.S. They are all Americans. (A) All (B) Most V (C) One (D) Each +複类 16. of the fried chicken from Taiwan. O QA) Most; is (B) All; are (C) Many; are (D) Every; is REDMI NOTE the money on the desk mine. (D) will from heavy traffic. can't.

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