


英文 國中


主题:如何聰明理財。 文法:瑞雪名詞子句、動名牌和不定詞。 1. 九年級 英語 (六) 下學期 範圍:第3課 3 看圖寫單字:4分(每題1分) 2. 3. 6. He plans do it. Loug (od suno JAUME ( ) 3. 英語 (六) 第 5 次平時考 (s) (m) 二、文意字彙:10分(每題2分) 11 jurk e 1. Linda sent a p took a trip in the U.S.A. pr IDIUME 2. Please write your name in the b space at the bottom of the page. 3. Miss Lin m D to n es her time well, she never goes to work late. 4. You need to put the letter in an e before sending it. 5. Look at the b (D) Kocbe d and read the sentence. CUMA 三、填空(填入適當的動詞形式):7分(每題1分) 1. The boys practiced (play) basketball every ang pabb) (not go) out next weekend. Uus I kap day before the game.on pa po 2. He is so tired that he decided this evening. 3. Did Jeff finish PI d (do) his math homework? 4. It is fun for Allenscoug 80-to (play) the violin. 5. She kept PLSS 5. It's fun Requitan (A) To be are (C) To be ; is 年 7. (get) up early is good for you. 四、文法選擇:16分(每題2分) fit if int (II(12 ( ) 1. Having ice cream on a hot summer day bounting one of Hank's favorite things. (A) is (B) bemo(C) are h a good husband (t) () 2. My mother wants me TV too often. (A) don't watch (B) not watch (C) doesn't watch (D) not to watch INF d to herself when she (paint) all day because she loves to puc bisa combaTOL BUWAR ST (visit) his grandfather and uncle la jou ONE (A) prepared dinner for 10 people (B) study with foreign students (C) played tennis in the gym (D) to learn English 2023/05/06 01:26 ( ) 4. She enjoys wig bin kids, so she hopes po elementary school teacher in the future. (A) teach; to be Kacpo (C) teaching; to be por usa you, I not easy. (B) Be is (D) Being are (D) an om k (B) to teach to be (D) teaching being an ( ( 精 等級評鑑(答對題數) B+36~40題 B+ 28~35噸口 B 16-27 A++48-49 A+ 45~47號口 A 41~44號口 ) 6. The two girls keep ( ) 7. I don't know 基 their English is very good. (A) to do a good job (B) practicing speaking English (C) finding a good job (D) to practice talking in English (A) where Bella lives (C) Bella lives where ) 8. Can you tell me ? (A) who is the girl in red (B) where does she live K適康版B卷英語(六)5-1 BRIAN LIRIDO now. 五、挑錯並改正:6分(每題2分) (GGL) in Mrs. Wang's class, so (C) how old are you (D) how many times he has been there 0 (B) where lives Bella (D) where Bella lived 1. I can't decide whether should I be a (A) (B) (C) lawyer or an art teacher. (D) 2. What can Frank do? 得分 2. Choose a school is like making new (A) (B) (C) friends. You'll never know what will happen. (D) 六、看圖回答問題:6分(每題2分) [1. 12. 13. 3. Alice Would you like to go shopping (A) (B) (C) 1. What is Betty doing in the yard? Rick Yes, I would like to going. (D) 3. What did Dick buy yesterday? 七、依提示作答:9分(每題3分) 1. Washing your hands before meals is important. (用It開頭改寫句子) 2. Why did John make the same mistake again? (用I want to know... 改寫句子) 3. He shared his skills with others. A keep t 【請翻至背面繼續作

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英文 國中

不理解為什麼第35題選C Paula他老公認為自己沒問題 那選C自救團體感覺有點不合理

(33-35) Problems Dear Annie! annie@problemforum.com Dear Annie, I'm 14, and I do gymnastics. I have to practice 30 hours a week. I like gymnastics, but I don't have time for anything else. My friends tell me that What should I do? - Tracy I'm missing out on all the fun. Dear Annie, last year. My husband started playing online games Since then, he has lost all interest in everything else. He starts playing as soon as he gets up, and begins again when he gets back from work. He gets angry if I talk to him about it. What should I do? - Paula Dear Annie, I'm 11, and my brother is 15. I think my mom and dad love him more than me. They just bought him the best computer-they say he has to have it for the homework. I don't even have my own cellphone, and I have to wear all his old clothes! - Billy Advice from Annie! Dear Tracy, The fact is that to get to the top in sports, you have to train very hard. You should talk to someone else, but I don't think you should listen to just your friends. Dear Paula, More and more people have become addicted to this. He must ask the doctor for help, but this is difficult because he won't agree that he has a problem. You should show him this letter, and tell him to visit the website olganon.org. Dear Billy, These feelings are common between brothers and sisters. I'm sure your parents love you and your brother just the same. When you're older, you'll get your own cellphone - and your own clothes! gymnastics 英語〔閱讀〕12-10 advice 建議 addicted

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英文 國中


5 f ey the SD 解題要領 步驟 1. 先留意報導中出現的人、事、物、時、或數據,並預測圖表的目的。 步驟 2. 看清統計圖的大標,以及縱軸與橫軸的數字意義。 步驟 3. 從題目的題幹及選項,判斷需要從文章尋找的線索,並標示關鍵字,逐題作答。 67 1 34.10) 核心素養:公民意識 - Word Count: 115 As shown in Chart 1, the percentage of those aged between 18 and 30 living with family has been on the rise since 1960.) (Though more and more people have jobs and better chances of getting higher pay and some of them choose to walk into family life in their late 20s, the number of those living with parents is still rising Besides, more and more people tend to get married at higher ages (Chart 2). Most of them point out thatslow-growing pay and sky-high rents in the city make it not possible for young people to move out and live on their own.On the next page, we will talk more about this. Chart 1 The percentage of young people living in their parents' home. (%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1960 BA) (35 1974 1988 2012 解 34 此題考「主旨」。 同學須從報導中的敘述,歸納此篇文章所談論的大意為 何。 B Chart 2 The age for young women and men getting married. women Emen (age) 30 p Teddium 201 100 151 25 0 20199(year) of Medtina 1960 wom Jard: 10 5 37 1974 chart 圖表 percentage 百分比 tend 傾向 解 35 此題考「搜尋細節」。 1988 34. What does the reading talk about? obstuga midoru soe dite the A More and more people move back with their parents. (B) Under-age marriages become common. (C) Better jobs and better pay lead to better family life. BOTTO (D) Young people work hard to buy a house. What can we know from the reading? 2012 2019(year) 題目問四個選項何者正確,皆由二張統計圖來判斷。要 有耐心去比對選項的敘述是否與圖表中的數字相符。 rent 租金 (A) Men used to get married four years younger than women did in 1974. (B)Between 2012 and 2019, around one-third of young people live at home. (C) In the past 59 years, the number of those slaying home grows around 15%. (D) In 1960, women got married at 20 and 19% of them lived with their parents. percentage 越来越多人和父母住 1960s In Chart

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