

高3・高卒生 疾文法・リーディング 2 居 決め各英文で, 空所に 入れるのに最も適切なものを, それぞれ下の①て④のうちからーつ まつ選て (⑲⑨ルThe person ( ) fnishes first will get a prize。 0 グwho (yhom も可能) ② who (whom は直可) (フ 2 ⑧ which ④ whose GO〉 verything ( ) he touched turned into* gold. *turninto 一 : 一に変わる に 9 ② who whom も可能) ③) whose ④ who Gvhom は不可) G①⑪ The bus( ) goes to Yokohama station has not come yet. ① whose ② who_yvhom は不可) ③ who (whom も可能) の hi (2) We can see a mountain ( ) top is covered with snowr ① who_(Gwhom は不可) ② who (whom も可能) whose ④ that 13) He is not the 2 ) yesterday. *sumo wrestler : 力士 ① saw ⑥⑨ rsaw ⑧③ whichtsaw ④ whoseTsaw (12) Mr Smith js a kind person ( ) we all hike. ンク ① which ⑧② what ⑧③ whose (④ that bp (15) She moved into the house ( ) she bought last month. 〇①_whe-Gwhom は不可) ② who (whom も可能) ④③ which ④ whose (16) 0 ( ) has just taken offis bound fo* London. *be bound for 一・ 1 〈⑩ thaを ② whose ③_who (whom も可能) ④ who (whom は不可) ンThe student understood every word ( ) の yhom the teacher said ② who the teacher said whose the teacher said ④ the teacher said G97 9he person 10 。 1 caled ]ast might was an old friend.


