
1枚目 2枚目が本文です

て55o70 戸 pVer 7のwe Tart3 ①The name of the Turkish ship was *the Ertugrul” ②t エルトッールん 本 紛 YS an oldrfashioned wooden warship with about 650 crew 党0 9計り 舌。 のこと邊にコーを昌せたご殆シ members。 ⑨ The accident happened fom。 ethelone way (p 0 [に行く[る]作中でコブ Yokohama ko| Kobe. ④There were only 69 surwivors. ⑨Tfthe 加まze ke っ Ce た 表を0る Mre/ Ysgere had not helped them。 all the crew would have lost ther lives. LAS 22 サザ 記2条9 Aare 過えの床 芝SPYはSN moueh AbrB (が)B に必要なだけのA、Dに二分なAi 加 fferedprecious rice am 9 3 でも grtoQ =oHrO@「人に物を渡し出す、提供する』 them theachickens Whichywere aeペク e faVe 9 en 1 鏡Nいei |ニアトリ の馬き誠によって 「時生を知る、時刻がわかる」 の意味をここでは表す
⑨Althongh the yiagers did 5od know EmMHTurkish mot- any 「少しもこない」+ at al強調 they encouraged the injured survivors in Japanese and take care of 「(人・動物など)の世話をする」 them for three days。⑩The Turkish people thanked この間く期間> the villagers kiith all their heartal and kept the kindness of the with alonets hemrt「心から、心を込めて」三With oneis whole heart villagers their mindal recp A in (one's mind 「A を心に留めておく、箕えでおく1 OR
Answer in English. 1.What kind of ship was the Ertugrul? 2. Where did the Ertugrul plan to go? 3.With the help of the villagers, how many crew members survived? 4. When the villagers ran out of food, what did they do? 5. Why did the Turkish people thank the villagerS with all their Ir hSare2
コミュ英 ランドマーク lesson10 問題


✨ 最佳解答 ✨


