
その前までに出ていた複数形がlower-grade employeeしかないのですが、これじゃないような気がして分からなくなりました😥

【 2】 次の英文を読んで, 設問に答えよ。 ① While we may not face the threat of captivity* ike our animal c6unterpart, humans omneny 語 and follow systeme 6hat restrict some oFour individual choiees to beneft 6 を the greater 60o9) We vote to reate ws, epact* oo放Racts。 and agree to be gainfuly* employed [beeause we recognize that 0 間 js dhaoglButiwhat happens when our abilty to Geonally recognize the benefts ofthese restrictions conflicte with anGnetinetive avereion* to \ 侍 1g The deewe to whichwe are able to strike a balanee of control in our ive)has a 人 ebearing on our health. ② Adecadesong research project known as the Whitehall Studies, conducted by Pofsssor MichaelMarmotoFUniversity Colege 欄" provides a powerful demonstration ofhow or 3) ofchoice cam し our wellbeing. Beginning in 1967, researchers followed more 郊 than 10.000 British ciwiTserYante aged 20 to 64 comparing 隊2 outcomes ofemployees トド 8ofthe hardilarie Doo dn季向et (9 cetedackat4 (he studiew found that(thougHlthe higherpayingjobacame with greater Preesurer employeee in the loweat pay grade。 sueh ae doormen。 were thyee 0mes more ikely todie』 mary* heart disease.ibanthe highest-grade workers were) ④ Part this waslbecmued lvermade employees wae( アァ ) 1ikely to smgke and be ・ merweight and( イ )Hikely to exereiee regulariy。 We | 9 [BC caientfte aceounted fr the dfRreneee in amokinge oh and exereie Ne 1owestrgrade employees were still twice as jikely to die from heart disease. Though the higher jncome that comes with being at the top ofthe Iadder cbviowgly enhaneeer the potential tr centlm ones jity this im the(6o PPetion for the poorer health of the lowergrude Mb Even employees from the secohd-highest grade jncluding doctors。 lawyers ad Coneidered welofP by societys standards, were at notably higher risk rade (


