
問5はeventuallyと同じ意味になるのは2だと思ったのですが何故4になるのですか? あと、2、4同じ意味でした…
問4は結局わかったのですが出来たら一応翻訳お願いします。難易度そんなに難しくないと思うので解答よろしくお願いします 長文一応はっつけときました。...

韻 / 【21】 Which of the following CANNOT take the place of the word を よめます3 *demand" 1 in Paragraph Six?. る 1 ) right (2) need (のae 4) necessity 殊<作む ow に *eventually' as used in Paragraph Seven? 2に sf 2の 】 nm the middle (0) mem フぃに 1銘記 (| 5 【22】 Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word
Buropean busine5s 8th centurツY. At frst。 was rth America by the 1 at_the_time_preferred red ) coffee had reached No many American_coloniafa- not very Popular there eyer, 88- copficts_with_Great Britain ck tea and alcoholie/drinks。 6 ofen cut_ofF tea imports_and also made- the_colonists think of avoiding the Buitish_dminte in-pwetest。 the demand for_coffe grew_-dramaticaljy. Qunite aickiy。 Americsns besame the bjggest eoragies_nFcoffee in the yorid of coffee? It Was Then, who eventually became the biggest の/OgZ2ce7S Brazil in South America. In the 19th century。 very large areas of its coastal jand were cleared for plantations. The rich soil sunshine and tropical climate around Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo Were ideal for co左ee plants to grow well. By the beginning of the 20th century, Brazil Was exporting more han 70% of the world's coffee.
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