✨ 最佳解答 ✨
Your school band sounds to be fun! What do you play in the school band? How many people join it?
About your question, I think students should not take part in club activities.
They don't have enough time for club activities because they have to study.
Therefore, I think only students who are interested in club activities should join in but not every student.
School band → 相手のメッセージにすでに出てきている school band なので、Your school band 。
seem to fun → 相手のメッセージで知った事柄で、実際に自分の目で見たわけではないので、seem よりも sounds の方が適切。もし、写真付きで そのschool band を見た上での感想なら、seems を使える。主語 Your school band は単数なので動詞は三単現の s が付き sounds (seem なら seems) 。fun は形容詞なので to fun ではなく、be動詞を入れて to be fun 。
to play clab → for club activities 。スペル間違いにも注意。
Therefore, ~以下 → 3行目で
students should not take part in club activities.
I think only students who are interested in club activities should join in but not every student.
Do you think evey student should ~?
とあり、every student (一人ひとりの生徒(全員))の部分に着目して回答すると良いと思います。