

g 3), of d to sinion. nerican ments. ing and writing, orms than 九州大理系前期 〔4〕 次の英文の説明と指示に従い,英語の文章を書きなさい。(30点) Lew Most Japanese high school students have to choose their course of study either from humanities ("bunkei") or science ("rikei") in the middle of their high school education. One of the reasons is to help students prepare for university entrance examinations and reduce their burden of subjects studied. At the same time, this narrows the range of choices for their future careers at Chebet a very early stage. Write your opinion on this current practice in a well-organized paragraph. It should be approximately 100 English words long, including specific reasons to support your argument. 〔5〕 次の文章の下線部(1), (2)を英語に訳しなさい。 ( 27点) 2020年度 英語 15 Okue 250 (E) 220 インターネットと検索エンジンのおかげで,あるトピックに関してどんな論文 がすでに発表されているのかを調べるのは、格段に簡単になった。 そこで何を 始めるにもまずは既存研究を調べましょう, となるのだが、下手をするとすぐに 「こんなにたくさんの研究がされている。 自分たちに出る幕などありません」 とい あんたん う暗澹たる気分になってしまう。 (1) 研究で楽しいのはなんと言っても問題について自分で考え、解決に向けて自分 で試行錯誤する時間, そして何かが解決できた瞬間である。 そこで,あまり真面 目に既存研究調査などせずにそれを始めた場合どうなるか? おそらく多くの場 合、苦労をして考えついたアイデアや作り上げたソフトウェアに似た先行研究が あるということを後から思い知ることになるのだろう。だがそれは、無駄な時間 だったのだろうか? (2) 一人の人間が情報を消費することに一生を費やしても、決して吸収しきれない 情報があふれている。 徹底調査をし、ひたすら再発明をしないことに向けて最適 化すべきなのか, それとも, 再発明の危険があってもまずは自分で脳を全開にす ること,それ自身を目的関数にしてよいのか? 真面目に考えてもよい時になって いる気がする。 田浦健次朗 「車輪の再発明と研究者の幸せ」
2020英 [4] students. I think that this current practice is very good for Two reasons for my opinion. First, it is easy for students to study for college I have have they want to go. I don't think that learn subjects which aren't necessary for entrance exams. than So, Second, I think that we should enjoy studying. Studying subjects I dislike is less interesting subjects I like. I like math and science. I think that + I belong to "rikei in my school. choosing course of study helped me to decide my future career. 77 Por these reasons, I think students should choose their course 103 fisk [5] (!) The interesting things in studies is thinking about the problem ourselves. more to solve it something. the time we try more and 7 can solve 9 and the moment we (2) There is a lot of information which one person never absorb it if he spend his all life time get it. to
受験生 高3 英語 英作文 添削 九州大学


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

I don't have time to review the whole text, but I will address a few points.

✖✖ to study for college they want to go.
✖ to go college
◯ to go to college
✖ to study for college they want to go to.
◯ to study for the college they want to go to.

◯ First, it is easy for students to study for the college they want to go to.
◯◯ First, it makes it easier for students to study for the college they want to go to.

🟠 I don't think that we have to learn subjects which aren't necessary for entrance exams.

The grammar is correct but the use of "have to" is a bit dubious.

"we have to learn" means "somebody (or something) forces us to learn"
"The teacher told us to study chapter 1, so I don't think that we have to study chapter 2."

◯ I don't think that we need to learn subjects which aren't necessary for entrance exams.
◯ I don't think that we should learn subjects which aren't necessary for entrance exams.

"learn subjects" is not bad, but "study subjects" is better

◯◯ I don't think that we should study subjects which aren't necessary for entrance exams.

I hope this is helpful!

Thank you very much, that was helpful🥰🥰🥰✨✨
