
最後の行のwho kept driving のとこなんですが和訳を見ると、
車で 立ち寄ろうと し続けている

【必答問題】 4 次の英文は、 ある大好きな映画の新作を誰よりも早く観たくて、公開日の3日前から劇場 に並んでいる高校生の Elenaの話である。 英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えよ。 (配点 39) →手足などが悪感覚で blusor 彼女の左足はしびれていた Her left foot was asleep. sasleep./ S ・立ち上がってピョンピョンblo 跳んだ She kept kicking the sidewalk, then stood up to bounce. ~ 72 ここでは "Is your leg asleep again?" Troy said. "I'm worried about your circulation." 足踏み “It's fine,” Elena said, stamping her foot, n'P bise an C43 「血液循環” 本 on etten avT She'd only been sitting for two hours) but she was, so bored she could hardly (ア) in e 5 it. She could literally hardly (ア); even her bloodyvessels were bored. to avi Ta. 1927 She'd brought lots of books. She'd planned to read Star Wars books whenever she 静かな瞬間 had a quiet morent in line. Which was every moment so far. But the wind kept blowing the pages, and the paper was so bright in the sun that reading made her eyes water. 気 tog eview 08 None of (イ) that seemed to bother silent Gabe, who read his paperback without seeming to notice the sun, the traffic, Troy, Elena or Elena's mom, who kept driving by slowly. 2 3 Yes th Triquod La vered her phone. DEBTis ev 1ª


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

drive byで立ち寄るという意味です


