

Their presence [in the country] makes the Canadian government more conscious V O of its responsibility [to help developing nations], (for example). 訳 make OC の形 S C 国内に彼らがいることによって、カナダ政府はたとえば、発展途上国を支援する 責任をより強く意識している。 語句 presence 名存在/ (be) conscious of ~ 〜を意識している 文法・構文 直訳「彼らの存在は, カナダ政府が意識している状態にする」→「彼らがい ることによって, カナダ政府は意識している」 となります。soli
次の英文の1~6の空所に入れるのに最も適当な語を,後のアークから選びなさ い。 ただし, 同じものを繰り返し用いてはならない。 Since the end of the 19th century, Canada has been accepting immigrants from around the world. This policy has had a ( 1 ) effect on the development of Canadian society. While there will always be a certain amount of ( 2 ), today most Canadians agree that the effects have been largely 5 positive. Of primary importance is the fact that immigrants ( 3 ) significantly to the growth of the Canadian economy. They open businesses, create new jobs, and build strong commercial connections with their ( 4 ) homelands. Additionally, from a social perspective, immigrants help ( 5 ) awareness of what happens in the world. They make the media and the public 10 pay attention to ( 6 ) that take place outside of Canada. Their presence in the country makes the Canadian government more conscious of its responsibility to help developing nations, for example. Moreover, as the general public becomes more and more familiar with the traditions and values of people from various cultures, there is a greater degree of tolerance and understanding in society. 7 contribute 1 criticism profound raise damaging I events former states


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

Their presence(S) in the country makes(V) the Canadian government(O) more conscious(C) of <its>(=the Canadian government's) responsibility to help developing nations, for example.

