
Word huntの答え分かる人いますか?

Word Hunt 次の意味を表す英単語を本文から探しなさい。 1. the feeling you have when part of your body hurts 2. not sleeping 3. paying attention to what is around you and ready to act 5 energy drink I+-FU 10 pain reliever 10 chocolate bar 13 France [fræns] 757 3
30 Word Hunt 次の意味を表す英単語を本文から探しなさい。 1. a period of time when you relax or sleep 2. in a way that is related to your body 3. to eat or drink something ( 2 Charles Czeisler [tfá:rlz tsáislər] =>−NZ· P125- 6 at one's best ROT C. It w 3. What a. C b. C C. C 4. Wh a. b. C. neith
32 concern [kənsá:rn] general [dzénərǝl] moderation [må(:)dəréifən] milligram [miligram] Word Hunt mong 2 Despite these scientists is that caffeine is not dangerous when is consumed in moderation. For example, it's fine to have three or four small cups of coffee (about milligrams of caffeine) per day. ) 1. T/F 次の意味を表す英単語を本文から探しなさい。 1. to make something smaller or less in size or amount 2. true for most people, things, or situations 3. at the same time each day, week, month, etc. 1 a number of ~ 多くの~ 2 depend on ~ ~に依存する 2 Roland Griffiths [róuland grífi0s] ローランド・グリフィス (アメリカの神経科学者) 7 soft drink ソフトドリンク, 清涼飲料 12 in moderation 適度に 2. T/F 3. T/E ( B. They f c. They 2. What do a. The b. The C. TH 3. Wha a. b. C. 4. V


