

日本文の意味に合うように[ ]内の語句を並べかえ, 英文を完成させなさい。 1)その少年はまるで赤ん坊のように泣いた. [a baby, he, if, were, as] The boy cried if he were a 2)もうパーティーの準備をする時間だ。 [high, is, prepared, time, we, it] baby. It is high time we prepared 3) 彼女の支えがなかったら、私は成功しなかっただろう。 [for, been, if, not, had, it] If it had not been for ②2② 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように ( )内に適語を入れなさい. If it were not for the Internet, I couldn't get enough information. 1)(Without) the Internet, I couldn't get enough information. ( But "( for ) the Internet, I couldn't get enough information. If you saw Jimmy, you would think that he is very young. 2) her support, I wouldn't have succeeded. (→ 65 To :) ( see ) Jimmy, you would think that he is very young. If she had been a careful driver, she would have noticed the road sign. 3) A ) (careful ) (driver ) would have noticed the road sign. (→ § 6 3 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい. 1) 万一私の助けが必要なら、 すぐに私に電話しなさい. If you (should )( need ) my help, call me at once. 2) 仮に明日地球が消滅するとしても、私は決心を変えません. If the earth (were ) ( to 4 各文を日本語に直しなさい . I change my mind. 3)もし私が金持ちであれば, 両親に家を買ってあげるのに. (Were )(Ⅰ for the party. 1) A true friend would not laugh at you. 真の友人なら笑わないだろうに ) disappear tomorrow, I ( would ) not ) rich, I would buy a house for my parents. 2) Had he followed my advice then, he would not have failed. その時に私の忠告に従っていたら彼は失敗しなかったろうに 5 日本文の意味に合うように[ ]内の語句を並べかえ, 英文を完成させなさい. 1) この坂がなければ、楽に自転車通学ができるのに. [for, it, this hill, not, were] If it were hot for the hill 2) 万一彼女が試合に負けたら、彼女に何と言いますか. [lose, if, should, the game, she] If she should lose the game what would you say to her? 3)私はまるで以前その町を訪れたことがあるような気がした. [I, if, visited, as, had] I felt as if I had visited the town before. 4) 彼の助けがなければ、私は夢をあきらめていただろう. [had, for, not, it, been] If it hed not been fon we could cycle to school easily. → his help, I would have given up my dream.


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

1) 〇
2) 〇
3) 〇
1) 〇
2) 〇
3) 〇
1) 〇
2) 〇
3) 〇
1) 真の友達なら、[あなたのことを]笑わないでしょう。 ※laugh at … …を笑う
2) 〇
1) 〇
2) 〇
3) 〇
4) 〇



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