



引用:自治医科大学 二次試験 英語 2022

次の英文を読み, 設問に答えなさい。 Jaguars had called the American Continents their home since the Ice Age when their ascendents crossed the Bering Land Bridge that once joined what is now Alaska and Russia. They lived in the central mountains of the southwestern United States for hundreds of years until they were almost driven to extinction in the mid- 20th century after hunters shot the last one in the 1960s. Currently, jaguars are found in 19 different countries. Several males have been observed in Arizona and New Mexico over the last 20 years, but breeding pairs have not been seen or reported north of Mexico. Natural reestablishment of them is also unlikely because of urbanization and the U.S.-Mexico border blocking jaguar migration routes. Now, after more than a 50-year absence, conservation scientists are suggesting the jaguar's return to their native environment in a study that outlines what the rewilding effort may look like. The authors of the new paper suggest a suitable area for jaguars spanning 2 million acres from central Arizona to New Mexico. The space would provide a big enough range for 90 to 150 jaguars, the researchers explained. They also argued that bringing jaguars back to the U.S. is crucial to species conservation as they are listed as near-threatened on the IUCN Red List, and reintroduction could also help restore native ecosystems, the Associated Press reports. "The jaguar lived in these mountains long before Americans did. If done
collaboratively, reintroduction could enhance the economy of this region and the ecology of this incredible part of jaguar range," said Eric Sanderson, senior conservation ecologist at the Wildlife Conservation Society and lead author of the study. The suggested area is located in regions that humans do not densely populate, and also includes enough water and prey sources to bé a refuge for the species. 【Source: Gamillo, Elizabeth. “It's Time to Reintroduce Jaguars in the U.S. Southwest, Scientists and Conservation Groups Say", Smithsonian Magazine, 20 May 2021. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/scientists-and-conservation - groups-want-reintroduce-jaguars-us-southwest-180977761/ より一部改変】 問題1 本文の要旨を200字以内の日本語で記載しなさい。 ( 句読点は1字とする。) 問題2 本文で述べられている計画を実現するにはどのような課題があるか, 一つ指 摘し, その解決策についてあなたの意見を 200字以内の日本語で簡潔に述べな さい。 (句読点は1字とする。) 問題3 本文で問題になっているような事例は, 日本にも存在している。 同様な問題 を抱える動物(過去の例でも現在の例でも可) を一つ挙げ,どのような対策を取 るべきか, または取るべきであったかについて100 語程度の英語で述べなさ い。 (例: I don't play tennis. は4語とする。)


