

各文の( )内のうち適当なほうを選びなさい. 8~00(内開当な 1) Do you know the woman (who/whom) is talking with Mika? 2) Aperson (whom/whose) job is to construct buildings is called a carpenter. 3) That is the singer (whom / whose) my brother likes best. 4) The boy (who / whose) is standing at the corner is my cousin. ②aの下線部を先行詞として、次の2文を1文にしなさい. 1) a. This is the bus. This is the bus 2) a. India is a country. India is a which country whose population 3) a. The movie was funny. The movie b. It goes to the airport. to the airport. goes b. Its population is very large. is very large. b. I saw it last week. week which I saw last funny. 3 各文の( )内のうち適当なほうを選びなさい. that が好まれる場合は that を選ぶこと. 1) They saved a man and his dog (who / that) fell into the river. 2) Her father bought her everything (which / that) she wanted. 3) The old woman lives in the house (whose / that) walls are painted white. 4) John wears the same jacket (which / Chat) I bought yesterday. 4 各文を日本語に直しなさい. 1) I have a friend who speaks French. was He is an actor (who 2) 靴が赤色の選手がハリーだ. 注意して、 日本にしなさい。 2) They are playing a game whose name I don't know. 入れなさい(→ (-2) 3) The book she wrote last year will become a bestseller. * bestseller: ベストセラー (→ 3) 5 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れ, 省略できる語には下線をひきなさい. ただし、い ずれの文にも関係代名詞を用いること. 1) 彼は若い女性に人気のある俳優だべかえ、英文を完成させなさい。 4) これは神戸で止まる最終電車です. This is the last train ( that )( stops 5) 私たちが夏祭りで出会った元気な女の子を覚えていますか. Do you remember the cheerful girl (whom D( the summer festival? :) ( is. [_) ( populary) among young women. The player (whose :) (shoes ) are red is Harry. what, Ind] 3) 彼が貸してくれた漫画はとてもおもしろかった. The comic book ( which ) ( he ) ( lenti) me was very funny. ) at Kobe. d, is] broke kyoued) (met ) at
高一 論表 コミュ英 英語 関係詞


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

1) (who) ← who(S) is talking(V) ….
2) (whose) ← whose(所有格) job(名詞):その人の仕事
3) (whom) ← whom(目的格O)my brother(S) likes(V)
4) (who) ← who(S) is standing(V) ….

1) 〇
2) 〇
3) 〇

1) 〇
2) 〇
3) 〇
4) 〇

1) 私にはフランス語を話す友達が一人います。
2) 彼らは私が名前を知らないゲームをしています。
3) 彼女が去年書いた本はベストセラーになるでしょう。

1) 〇
2) 〇
3) 〇 ※which(目的格):省略可能
4) 〇
5) you → we ※whom(目的格):省略可能



参考にさせて頂きます。m(_ _)m


You're welcome!😊
