
workbook for practiceのlesson15の問題の答えを教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️全てでなくてもわかる所を教えて下さると助かります。

9nT97012 DINOna go MC ocCLa (A次の各文の空所に入る最も適当なものを1つずつ選びなさい。 faly ths win 1.() number of people went to see fireworks. w sd yobrot 3 Many aceoOA (国土舘大) Amu jesgof の Much 2 The 2. Do you have ( ) about this city? 10. O any information 2 some informations 3 pieces of information の any informations aid/et aid ast so (熊本県立大) 3. Have you made ( ) with the dentist? Oa reservation 2a disappointment 3 an appointment a booking AT6(神奈川工科大) 4. A:Did you enjoy the trip to Disneyland? B: Yes, it was ( ). 0a lot of fun 2 heaps fun 3much of fun の very fun (愛知淑徳大)
15 LESSON 名詞·冠詞 6 Most people agree that smoking is a bad ( 0 occasion 2 habit 3 routine の rule (南山大 6. He is nice-looking but has a short ( 0 character (2 nature 3 personality 4 temper (立教大) 7. The eggs on the shelf are sold by ( ) dozen. 0a (2 any (3) some の the (武蔵大改) 8. A large( )gathered at the scene of the accident. 0 crowd 2 people 3 series 4 set (南山大) 9. She caught me ( ④ by the hand (東海大) 2 with hands or motl a ) to the problem was very original, but his solution was not D in hand 3 at my hand t d 0. Mr. Brown's ( practical at all1. 3 reproach の tradition (東京理科大) D addition ② approach 1. Jane was found guilty of shoplifting. She faced up to two months in jail and a $500 の fare huod (関西学院大) 3 fair の full 2 fine
16. In that company, they place emphasis on mutual aid and cooperation. ④ work C次の各文の下線部の語に最も近い意味のものを1つずつ選びなさい。 (関西学院大) 3 pressure O reward 2 stress 17. It is no use trying to help him. 2 good ④ useful (愛知工業大) 3 longer 1 matter 18. What a shame that John failed the exam! ④a pity (関西外国語大) Da humility ② an embarrassment ③ a disaster 19. In my view it was a waste of time. ③ vision ④ sight (関西外国語大) O picture 2 opinion 20. The farmer's wife desperately wanted to escape from the same old familiar routine. D bridge 2 changing course 3 boring way of life の highway (駒滞大) D 次の各文の下線部には誤っている箇所が1つずつある.その番号を指摘し,正しい形に直しな さい。 21. I have bought some furnitures for my newly-built house. の (関西学院大) 22. In the past I wanted to be a lifeguard, but now I'm studying _to become the doctor. sew (中京大) 23. Although it is neither new nor big, the house we bought is one of the most 2- elegant building in this city. btuo (北里大) 24. In Washington, Congress worked overtime to pass_a new bill to create moie O- jobs for handicapped. 2- fgmoo (早稲田大) 25. There was a sad news on the radio yesterday about the gas explosion n uie の- city. we o (立命館大)


