




B Your English teacher gave you an article to help you prepare for the debatc jm the next class. A part of this article with one of the comments is shown below Save Abandoned Cats and Dogs 応 zzdZ ey//ey, Halifax AUGUST 12. 2019・3:23 PM Many animalrescue organizations in Canada are working together to prevent Cats and dogs from being killed in shelters。 Some shelters kil up to 30% of the animals that they take in。 These animals are usually old. sick, or dangerous to other animals in the shelter Mr. Larry Brown. the director of the Lost Dogs Animal Shelter, says that his | gOal iS to save at least 90% of all shelter animals from being kiled. We Should try to save as many animals as possible" Mr. Brown says。 "They have | he right to live and be happy, just like humans" Many people in Canada agree with Mr. Brown. A recent poll found that more than 75% of Canadians | think the government should give more money to help shelters care for | abandoned animals | | However, a dog breeder Ms Hannah Smith thinks the opposte。 Cats and | dogs that arent adopted by a new family often die in the shelter or make the | other animals sick" she says. "Some of these animals try to hurt people | They must be put to sleep. Otherwise, there will be too many animals to take | Cre of" Ms Smith also believes that eforts to save every animal would cost taxpayers too much money. | Newest Michael Brown November 21.2019・7:22 PM How could Ms. Smith be so cold? Afew exta dollers added 10 our taxes saems lke a small pice to pay 0 support our local sheleers。 Were akng about lves | here! These animals deserve our respect 0 問1 問2 問3 ⑩ @ @ 9) According to the article. many cats and dogs rescued led because | 11 shelters have to keep other kinds of animals lo save the taxpayers do not wa they are old or because they have health or behavior problems hey will die sooner or later in the shelters Im a debate, your team will support the statement. "No animals should bc killed in shelters.′ In the article. one opinion (not a fact) helpful for you teamisthat | 12 cats and dogs should be able to enjoy their lives many Canadians suggest more money be spent on saving animals ⑤@ぐ@ら@ ⑤@Wぐ@@G one-third of animals in some shelters are killed some organizations are trying to save animals' lives The other team will be on the opposite side. In the ot a fact) helpful for that team is that | 13 alot of money shouldmt be spent on shelter animals cats and dogs should be kept in separate shelters shelter animals should be adopted by families some animals are aggressive and hurt people ー13 article one opinion
at the animals
i ji た Zine. B Youfound the following story in a studyrabrOad magi understanding some slang words the other students used, but with EijPs help he gradually learned those words and enjoyed school life A Different Kind of Classroom Iwai Anzu (Teaching Assistant) 問1 According to the story, Chris's feelings changed in the following order 18 Learning does not happen the same Way everywhere. An American student Chris, studied at my school for one month. He told me that when he came into a Japanese classroom for the first time. he was worried about his ability to kecp up with other students in class He was afraid the other students would talk quickly and use slang words he had not learned jn his Japanese classes at home。 anxious つ confused つ appreciative つ glad 一 sorry anxious つ confused つ 如ad 一 sorry 一 appreciativd diScussions, anxious つ 記ad つ confused 一 appreciative sorry anxious つ 串ad つ sorry appreciative つ confused anxious つ sorry つ appreciative つ gad つ confnsed 9⑨③@ぐ@@ When the teacher started the lesson, however, the classroom was quiet The other students seemed to be following what the teacher was saying they anxious sorry confused appreciative gad wrote down everything he put up on the blackboard。 But they did not 間2 Chris was surprised to find that the students did not | 19 | inclass, respond to anything the teacher said or ask any questions。 Chri could not | understand why they were not participating in the class, ansWer questions | Afterward Chris was happy when a student from the dass came up and | introduced himselE Chris said, Helo. Eij 1Cs nice to kmow that at leasr one of you can talk" | | say anything take notes ⑤@ぐぐら@ use SIang words ji looked puzzled. Chris felt he had said something rude. *Please excuse me he said. “T was just surprised that no one Spoke in class today" 馳j smiled. "Oh.Tgetit Tbetyourefrom the United States" Chris asked Ei what made him think Chris was American. 大i had studied in the United States and he had also felt confused about the way 間3 From this story, you learned that Chris | 20 | 「 | ⑩ could not keep up with the other students in his class and asked his | teacher for adyice ーー 9にマ classes were held there. He explained a key difference Tinege @⑳ knew alot about the rules in his classroom and gave his classmate classes and American ones. In Japan, students jiSten quietl っ 6 advice Re i V( Ianchtime with his respect for the teacher. In the United States jm 0 っre @ picked up some new Japanese words he heard at lunchti ir opini : 有 fiend's help expected to express their opinions and discuss the sub 1 上 9 ⑳ was told by the teacher about the difference between Japanese schools | Chris finally understood why the students were silent and he thanked Eiji 6 | fr ckplining the culral diferences to him。 At lunchtine he aa dfficuy AL98 8 』 ーー CUEます。。|。。。 35訳語


