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20 10 15 Study Suggests Sitting Less Can Extend Life Track 6 Karzmarzy studies, which government-ru people spend Not only sitting less, th could add an People ask, "Is it eve "That's never too la know that y Katzmarzyl Cham to desk de "Tha They may desk. I've for every can go fo Katzmar • By Rebecca Widiss VOAnews.com hat's the best seat in the house? It may be whichever one you use the least. New research suggests that cutting daily sitting time to less than three hours might extend your life by two years. W Humans were designed to move. But modern lifestyles and office jobs rarely prom us to roam around. Quite the opposite, says Peter Katzmarzyk, an epidemiologist at the University of Louisiana. "Sitting is ubiquitous in our lives today. You know, we sit while we're eating, we sit in the car, we sit while we watch TV. And many of us sit for many hours at work. So on average, Americans report they sit between four and a half to five hours a day," Katzma said. team to And, as he says, those chair-centered days matter to our health, just like exercise "We can't throw away physical activity. It's extremely important. We have 60 years of research showing us that. But sedentary behavior is also important. . . . If you exercis for 30 minutes a day. What goes on in the other 23 and a half hours a day is also very important," Katzmarzyk said. Ka occupa and do we sp Katzmarzyk and his colleagues are part of a new generation of researchers trying discover how sitting all day affects our lifespans. "This is a relatively new area of study. . . . Studies that have assessed the relations between sitting and mortality or television viewing and mortality are very rare. There's of been a few of them, actually five or six now, in the last four or five years," said Katzman 66

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สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ (ภาษาอังกฤษ เรียง Pronouns podk สื่อการสอน ใบงานวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ครูแก้มยุ้ย Name : Last name: No:............. Complete sentences with subject pronouns and object pronouns 1. John is a doctor. John goes to work with his friends by bicycle. is a doctor. goes to work with 2. Sara has a puppy. Sara plays with her puppy every day. has a puppy plays with every day. 3. John and Sara are friends John and Sara are friendly. I like to speak with John and Sara are friends. are friendly. I like to speak with 4. John and I like pizza. Ms. Grace always buys pizza to John and I. like pizza. always buys pizza to 5 Kevin bought a new red car. Kevin likes his car very much. bought a new red car. likes very much. 6 Lilly is a nice girl. Lilly's parents usually give the dolls to Lilly as a reward is a nice girl. Lilly's parents usually give the dolls to as a reward 7. Daniel, Jackson and Mark are singers. Many people like Peter, Jackson and Mark very much. are singers. Many people like Hvery much 8 Pluto is a rabbit. My sister feeds Pluto with carrots every day. is a rabbit. feeds.. by bicycle. I like swimming Facebook page: English Worksheet 1.Kamyui ........ Subject Pronours 1/You/We/They/He/she/it Object Pronouns /you/us/them/him/her/it with carrots every day 9. My grandfather can speak Japanese. My grandfather likes to talk with the tourists can speak Japanese. Ikes to talk with 10. Bob and I like swimming Bob and I often go to the pool on Sundays often go to the pool on Sundays.

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Join the pronouns with the correct possessive adjectives. WE MY I ITS HER HIS OUR YOUR THEIR Complete the sentences with HIS, HER, ITS, or THEIR. hair is brown. sweater is green. skirts are yellow. hair is blond. bow tie is red. Jears are big. HE YOU THEY IT SHE Choose the correct words 1. It is she/her house. 2. / my have a dog 3. This is our / we farm. 4. They love they / their school. 5. We our live in Spain. 6. Has she/her got a ruler? 7. Those are his / he glasses. 8. He is my grandfather. your sandwich. 9. That is you 10. It's Its legs are short. 11. He has a car. Her / his car is red. 12. I have a dog. Its his tail is long. Complete with the right possessive adjective 1. You have a nice watch. I like watch. 2. Bob has a cat. cat is very cute. 3. I have a new backpack. backpack is big. 4. Clara has a new bag. new bag is brown. 5. Sara and Ann have two cousins. cousins live in Seville. 6. Dave has a brother. brother is short. 7. Tommy has a dog. color is yellow. 8. We live in London. city is the capital of England. bikes are in the garage. 9. They have bikes. 10. She has a tablet. 11. My dress is pink but 12. I have two rabbits. tablet is pink. buttons are white. ears are very long. house. 13. My brother and I love Correct the underlined words 1. I have a sister. His name is Mandy. 2. We are classmates. Ours teacher is Mr. Jackson. 3. It is a squirrel. It tail is long. 4. Jason has a brother. Her brother is older. 5. You have a turtle. Its turtle is green. 6. They live in a flat. His flat is on the second floor. 7. She has a cat. Its cat is white. 8. It's Lucy and Ann's birthday. Her birthday is in June. 9. It's Ben's party today. It's its birthday. 10. My dogs are happy. It's its birthday today. HOPPY Birthday! Choose the correct words 1. They have two daughters. 2. 3. 4. We have a puppy. We love 5. Sally has a wallet. 6. Look at the parrot. 7. Mrs. Ward has a baby. 8. Look at the giraffe. 9. I know James. 10. Lisa and Paul have a truck. 11. My sister and I have a piano. We like [ 12. You look tired. eyes are red. daughters are pretty. new shoes. are comic books. puppy. wallet is expensive. feathers are beautiful. baby is very cute. neck is long. brother is my classmate. truck is great. piano. He has new shoes. These are I have some comic books. These 88 w‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ 88 Complete with the right possessive Jenny and Nick are from Bath. surname is Bell. friends, Tom and Amanda, are [ from Bath too. Jenny's eleven and brother Nick is tail is twelve. Chip is dog. short. school is in Park Street. name [ is Park Street School. Jenny likes Maths. Paul. teacher's name is teacher's name is Nick likes Science. Amanda. parents are teachers too. SCHOOL 111 11

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12.Parallel Structure คำเชื่อม = and, but, or, as, than, like, except เชื่อมคำประเภทเดียวกัน - Nouns My best friend collects stamps, coins, and postcards. Adjectives The workers were ready, able, and determined to do a great job. ๑ Modified Nouns A positive attitude can lead to both physical success and spiritual fulfillment. ๑ Verbs She usually eats breakfast and has a cup of coffee in the morning. e Infinitives | would rather pay for my education than receive financial aid. Participial phrases Driving through the countryside and speaking to the people, Sam began to understand the culture better. ๑ Adverbs They encouraged us to work carefully and effectively. Abverbial Phrases They will arrive in less than an hour and in time for the meeting. ๑Clauses The salesman expected that he would present his product, that there would be time for him to show his slide presentation, and that prospective buyers would ask him questions. 1. Many industries depend on air conditioning to keep the air in their plants clean 1 2 3 and cool, and controlling the moisture level. 4 2. A new born child responds to the world with reflexes such as grasping, sucking, 1 2 or it turns its head when touched on the mouth. 3 4 3. The domestic dog is generally loyal, courageous, intelligence, and adaptable. 1 2 3 4 4. Maps have lines, words, Symbolic, and colors that show the distribution and 1 2 3 arrangement of the Earth's geographical features. 4

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34 - 35 / 85 ) อ Look at the pictures and unscramble. The first letter is bolded. 1. nirysudt feecrerenp 3. 4. ddcenaiat eultildfg h 5. Tetcuenilalt mlka Rewrite the sentences with a defining relative clause and the given sentence. 1. My father is very hard working. (He is a professor.) 2. Alice Monkton called the police when she heard the sound of a breaking window. (She Iives next door to the burgled house.) 3. Our physics course is taught by world-renowned professors. (It is one of three subjects this university offers dasses in.) 4. I was offereda job at Techtropolis because the interviewer liked my ambition. (Its the top tech company in my city.) 5. I talked to Daniel Myerson for most of the party. (I went to middle school with him.) Read the conversation and circle the correct answers. "My personality is quite Complex. If Im with people I know well, IFm an extrovert: I talk a lot, and Fm loud and confident. But if Irm in an unfamiliar situation, with people I don't know, 1 tend to be quiet and more introverted.I don't realy mind, though. I think being quiet has benefits. It makes me a better listener, and I can get to know new people quickly." Samira "Interesting. Im actually kind of the opposite. I love meeting new people, so when I do, I'm very excited, outgoing, and talkative. But when I'm with people whom Ive known for a long time, I'm more calm and relaxed. Oh, but even though I like meeting new people, I really don't like speaking in front of large groups of strangers. When I have to give a speech on a stage or Something like that I feel very stressed and Scared!" Ronan 1. Samira and Ronan have 2. Samira feels 3. Ronan doesnt like to 3. talk in front of groups a. very similar personalities b. very different personalities C. unchanging personalities d. not many friends a. bad that she s introverted b.confident with people she knows C. outgoing with new people d.sensitive to the quiet b. meet new people C. talk much with people he doesn't know d. be talkative with new people 35

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


A: Choose the correct options. Relative Clauses exercises 2 คลคคารหes iIs the teacher which/ who broke his leg on the field trip. He still can't walk properly. the number 3ปse $ Place is the cafe that/ where worked during the summer holidays. I saved a lot of money. . L0ok That's the guy that/ which cheated in the exam. He still got bad marks though. -าeres the text book where/ that you left at my house. Now you can do your homework. บ0you remember the number of the room which/ where the exam is today? r'm so stressed I can't remember anything. 9. This is the computer which/ where always goes wrong. Someone should fix it. 6. Use the prompts to write sentences with relative clauses. 1. football/ a sport/ is cheap and fun 2. a pupil/ a child/ goes to primary school 3. a tattoo/a picture under your skin/ never disappears 4. Mrs. Kemp/ the teacher/ always gives us lots of homework 5. Oxford/ the city/ has the oldest university in the UK 6. the Japanese/ the people/ invented sushi 7.an architect/ a person/ designs buildings 8. an ice rink/a surface/ yoน can ice skate C: Cross out the relative pronoun where it is not necessary. 1. If Mum can't pick me up from school, I get the bus which stops outside our house. 2. ("ve written down the phone number of the private tutor that my cousin recommended. 3. This is the hospital where was born. It's much bigger now than in the past. 4. Can you buy some apples, some cheese and the eggs that say "organic" on the box? 5. This is the puppy which I chose. Isn't he cute? D: Complete the sentences with relative pronouns. 1. This is the bag | bought on Saturday. lost the MP3 player? we ate lunch last week. you bought? taught us last week. T have my English lessons. 2. Where is the student 3. Take me to the place 4. Can see the new phone 5. This is the teacher 6. That is the classroom

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