

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


1 Unscramble. The first letter is bolded. Then match to the correct picture. 1. dsreet desert 2. siestgheing Sightseeing 3. fostre forest 4. ciylcng cycling 5. revri river d. Use the words from to fill in the blanks. Last summer, I went traveling around France. I went swimming in a large 1. river I went 2. Sightseeing around Paris. I saw all the amazing sights! I also went a in a beautiful green 4 forest cycling It was my first time riding in the woods, so I was a little to try cycling there as well. It's scared. Next summer, I plan to go to the Mojave s desert difficult to ride in such a hot and dry place, so I need to train before going. Scan for Audio • Arrived back home • Went on a trip to Mexico_ 3 Read and number the actions in the order they happened. (1-6) Then circle the answers. • Went camping • Made a plan for the trip_ and Last week, I went on an amazing trip to Mexico with my best friend, Joni. Joni lived in Mexico last year. So, she has been wanting to go back ever since. There were so many things we wanted to do in Mexico. So, we made a plan before we went. From the airport, we first I went to the Chihuahuan Desert. Later, we met Joni's friend Ricardo, and he took us to a great place for camping. He told us many stories about the desert and showed us interesting places. We didn't want to leave, but the last day of the trip came anyway. I arrived back home just this morning, so I'm really tired now. • Didn't want to leave • Met Ricardo 1. Emma went on a trip to Mexico alone / with her sister / with her best friend. 2. Emma's friend lived in Mexico last year / ten years ago / ten weeks ago. 3. Emma and Joni met Ricardo at the airport / in the desert / in a good place for camping 4. Emma is feeling excited / calm / tired now.

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


Vocabulary Comprehension 1 Write the words from the box next to the correct definitions. recent awkward category gather regretful ignore deny adore cuisine realize 1. 2. area 3. missed out on 4. short time ago 5. something 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. embarrassed or nervous to collect things or people from different places into one 2. Have you before? feeling sad or sorry for something that's lost, or that you describing something that has started or happened a to understand something you didn't before; to recall a type or way of cooking to claim something isn't the truth to pay no attention to someone or something a grouping of things organized by type to like someone or something very much Grammar Practice 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words. 1. We've only just 3. Tony has week. 4. That man has 5. I too much homework to do. (begin) to understand recent events. (contribute) anything to the local paper (be) to the gigantic mall three times this (write) seventeen novels. (feel) like going to the movies yesterday, but I had Expressions Practice 3 Circle the best expression. 1. In my experience, / I remember when people who tell a lot of jokes are more memorable. 2. What happened was / At the time, I forgot her birthday and she got offended. 3. In my experience, / One time, my brother ignored the rules and got into some serious trouble. 4. I remember when / What happened was people were allowed to swim in that river. 5. In my experience, / At the time, I had different interests than I do now.

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

ช่วยหาประโยค Future Tense แล้วก็กริยาช่วยที่เป็นอนาคตให้หน่อยนะคะ🙏🥺

* * * ** * ๑ in your Clty / Dana Point Clephant arade You don't usualy see elephants in southern California, but you'll probably meet one near the beach this weekend! This summer there are going to be dozens of elephant sculptures around beaches, parks and resorts in Dana Point. California. Theyre part of an art exhibition called Elephant Parade. Elephant Parade works with the charity Elephant Family.With your help, were going to save the Asian elephant. A . Today there are only 25,000 Asian elephants in India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. A hนndred years ago there were 200,000 elephants in these Countries. 8 The elephants are competing with people for food and space. Asian elephants travel from forest to forest, looking for food. Today the forests are getting smaller, and the elephants go through villages to get to them. People in the villages protect their land and kill the elephants. In thirty years there Won't be any elephants unless we do Something. 11 C The charity Elephant Family is going to make elephant Corridors" Theyre special roads between the forests where elephants can travel safely. There's already one in India, but we need many more. Nอ Come and see Elephant Parade.The parade isn't a march, so we Wont have banners or slogaทs. Its a fundraising event. After the exhibition were going to sell the sculptures. You can buy smaller elephants or T-shirts at our website, or make a donation and sign our petition. The future is in our hands. Help us save the Asian elephant.

รอคำตอบ จำนวนคำตอบ: 0
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

ช่วยหาประโยค Future Tense แล้วก็กริยาช่วยที่เป็นอนาคตให้หน่อยนะคะ🥺🙏

* * * ** * ๑ in your Clty / Dana Point Clephant arade You don't usualy see elephants in southern California, but you'll probably meet one near the beach this weekend! This summer there are going to be dozens of elephant sculptures around beaches, parks and resorts in Dana Point. California. Theyre part of an art exhibition called Elephant Parade. Elephant Parade works with the charity Elephant Family.With your help, were going to save the Asian elephant. A . Today there are only 25,000 Asian elephants in India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. A hนndred years ago there were 200,000 elephants in these Countries. 8 The elephants are competing with people for food and space. Asian elephants travel from forest to forest, looking for food. Today the forests are getting smaller, and the elephants go through villages to get to them. People in the villages protect their land and kill the elephants. In thirty years there Won't be any elephants unless we do Something. 11 C The charity Elephant Family is going to make elephant Corridors" Theyre special roads between the forests where elephants can travel safely. There's already one in India, but we need many more. Nอ Come and see Elephant Parade.The parade isn't a march, so we Wont have banners or slogaทs. Its a fundraising event. After the exhibition were going to sell the sculptures. You can buy smaller elephants or T-shirts at our website, or make a donation and sign our petition. The future is in our hands. Help us save the Asian elephant.

รอคำตอบ จำนวนคำตอบ: 0
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

ช่วยหน่อยค่ะ อ่านแล้วให้สรุปว่าใคร ทำอะไร ที่ไหน เมื่อไหร่ อย่างไร เป็นมายแมพ ช่วยทีคะ ช่วยหน่อยค่ะ

4 Dick Summers: that was all the encouragement I needed. I finally got into the film business iท the 70s. Stanley Kubrick had amazed everybody with his beautiful film 2001: A Space Odyssey and I| found myself working on a similar film for a young guy called George Lucas. He kept talking about robots, or swords made out of light, and superfast spaceships, and I kept saying, "Sure, George, but how are we going to make it?" Well, in the end we found a way and Star Wars was a massive blockbuster. We made two more Star Wars films, and I had a great time working on the Indiana Jones movies, but then along came Jurassic Park in 1993 and that changed everything. Snesial Efecls SUPERVISOR A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . people used to believe whatever they saw with their own eyes. But do you really believe a man can fly? Do you believe aliens are invading Earth or that an evil empire will destroy freedom across the บniverse? For the makers of films like Superman, Independence Day and Star Wars, their mission is to make you believe and that's when they come to someone like me. Over the years, I've travelled through time, breathed life back into dinosaurs and blown up entire planets. Today, I work at Industrial Light & Magic, but my interest in special effects goes back to my childho0od. I remember seeing the alien in The War Uf The Worlds zap some soldiers with a ray gun and I thought 1o myself, "| want to do that. My father had a home movie Camera and I filmed my brother pretending to be a soldier. Then filmed some fireworks exploding. My mum went crazZy When she saw it, but my dad thought it was really funny and Computer animation had been around for a long time, but now we Could make any kind of creature we wanted. Suddenly, it seemed like every film had to have CGI (computer generated imaging) and I think some people forgot that films still need imagination. I enjoy films like The Lord of the Rings trilogy because they've got drama and emotion as well as great Special effects, but my kids like computer animated films like Shrek. Sometimes I try to imagine what kind of films they'|| be watching when they're older, but then look back at how far we've already come. Who could have dreamed any of this Would really happen?

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