

1 Unscramble. The first letter is bolded. Then match to the correct picture. 1. dsreet desert 2. siestgheing Sightseeing 3. fostre forest 4. ciylcng cycling 5. revri river d. Use the words from to fill in the blanks. Last summer, I went traveling around France. I went swimming in a large 1. river I went 2. Sightseeing around Paris. I saw all the amazing sights! I also went a in a beautiful green 4 forest cycling It was my first time riding in the woods, so I was a little to try cycling there as well. It's scared. Next summer, I plan to go to the Mojave s desert difficult to ride in such a hot and dry place, so I need to train before going. Scan for Audio • Arrived back home • Went on a trip to Mexico_ 3 Read and number the actions in the order they happened. (1-6) Then circle the answers. • Went camping • Made a plan for the trip_ and Last week, I went on an amazing trip to Mexico with my best friend, Joni. Joni lived in Mexico last year. So, she has been wanting to go back ever since. There were so many things we wanted to do in Mexico. So, we made a plan before we went. From the airport, we first I went to the Chihuahuan Desert. Later, we met Joni's friend Ricardo, and he took us to a great place for camping. He told us many stories about the desert and showed us interesting places. We didn't want to leave, but the last day of the trip came anyway. I arrived back home just this morning, so I'm really tired now. • Didn't want to leave • Met Ricardo 1. Emma went on a trip to Mexico alone / with her sister / with her best friend. 2. Emma's friend lived in Mexico last year / ten years ago / ten weeks ago. 3. Emma and Joni met Ricardo at the airport / in the desert / in a good place for camping 4. Emma is feeling excited / calm / tired now.
Listen and put a check mark (V) on the words you hear. luggage bills Fill in the blanks with the words from 1. 1. The price is $200, but I only have three $50 2. He asked the 3. I don't have any cash. Can I use my 4. He's not in the office? Oh, I think he is on 5. What do you want to eat? Take a look at the 234 I went with my wife. We went hiking and swam in a lake. 3. tickets 1. stopped called rested 4. talked 5. played waiter ✓ ✓ 4 Listen and circle true or false. 1. Kayla didn't enjoy her weekend. 2. Kayla and Tom went cycling together last weekend. 3. A thief stole the bikes when Kayla was having lunch. 4. Kayla called the police before she stopped at the restaurant. the bill ✓ 3 Listen to the questions and read the statements. Match the responses with the questions. 7-02 11 vacation No. We didn't have time. Trock 7-02 18 for some water. He said he'll bring it right now. to pay for it? Yes. It is was so delicious! 5 Listen and put a check mark (V) on the sound you hear. // /d/ /id/ 19 7-01 true true true true credit card He should be back next week. menu Track I went to India. false false false false In a beautiful hotel in the mountains. 7-03
ะการเรียนรู้ จัดการเรียนรู้ ะมีผู้เรียบเรียง rect picture. 21 Scan for Audio Less


