

了esy97#了7 3. 知道她笨到相信那件事,真讓我感 TWwas surprised to leam that 4 對我來說,生活上的快樂和我賺多罰 5 這場大火不僅奪走許多人的生命,也入 區避 1 六、綜合測驗 Jndeed,alot of people now use cell phones, but few of them realize they can rescue Af gorillas if they recycle cell phones,。The truth is that there are about ].6 biljion peopl' phones worldwide, and the number is still grOwing. But _2. average acel]l phone js us 14 months. 3? atleast 1.6 billion cell phones will be no Jonger used after One year and 一4 “arecent study, 209% ofall old cell phones will simply be ]eft in people*s houses, 0ff 一5. 7596 of old cell phones will be treated as trash even though most of them are sti] usable. 0 the remaining 596 will be recycled for resale or SpecialPuse.”These old cell phones that are thrown out 多 trash can do great harm to living creatures, for they contain many dangerous chemicals like 6_ or Jead, which will stay in our environment for a long time. Meanwhile, coltan, an essenfial element fo making cell phones, is mostly found nm C Ongo, central Africa, which is also home _7了the endangered gorillas。 _ 8 more coltan, workers must_ often destroy gorilla habitats, thus cauk animal's population to decline rapidly.。The situation is getting Worse with the buming need for col Now you can see why _9.”isaclose connection between Tecycling cell phones and saving gorillas So _10 twice before you throw out your old cell phone into the trash can.Tiry to have Tecyeled im order to save the gorillas and even the earth from harm, (6 l] ) 1. (A)use (B) used (C) using (D) to use 以 025(A)a (B) on (ofor (D) with ( O ) 3. (A) Besides (B) However (C) That1s (D) On the other hand ( Q@ ) 4. (A) Desplte (B)Aceording to (C) Except for (D) In addition to MR 便)G2(a)Another (B) Other (GThe other (D) Stillothers ( 全 ) 6. (A) chemistry (B) copper (C) pollution (D) survival (WS ) 7 (A)about (B) with (C) for (D)to 和 (G@) (8) (A) To mine (B) Mining (C) Mined (D) Having mined $( 信)(9209)i (B) there (C) that (D) what ( 全)10. (A) to think (B) thinks (C) think (D) thinking 七、閱讀測驗 Jndonesia is home to many orangutans, or “men of the_forest” im Malay. “Orangutans一 human beings” cousins 一are also nicknamed red-haired apes because_their hair is typically Teddish-brown instead of black or brown like the hair other apes have. However, today only two


✨ คำตอบที่ดีที่สุด ✨

5. 上一段提到20%,空格後面提到75% 所以要選another
因為加起來不到100% 所以還有其他
another( 另外、還有....,用在總數沒用完的狀況)

8. to+v..., 表示副詞 為了
9. there is 有


another 不是單數用的嗎?


這題不是在考another +單數名詞這個概念

在考的是 其一,次之,最後


