

|のに物人オー an giwe informatio あの an giye inf mn 0 smンー ee 、。 give mformaton. aa ay ands 還eue new | 本es・ rc. or cansc SN 名 mamide eng (て A ) "NN 生Tipeere ee mem as me groep slowed ne eo signs teat wse on werees md ra rm ョ go mt nach look Ke this 計 to make signs our ample of japanese end ae mi ee コー family symbol When rradirional culture rells us what の yy 0 ャ0 n Some ーー ohNii才に 時 4 8 mn の anese le pictures of fowers. Picture ample On Ao Jap: People ss ck ing sh Hings aronnd us. This Japanese name of the famihy by Sig simple pictures CN aemey es 。 aample cf famous Signt mmade by Japanesc people 請隊meSePeople wanted people cms。 There is another Before the Olympic Games Tokyo 1964. he oumtries (6 feel comfortable and enjoy 1 和 peeES o0gM at SCnreThInE "as noneant Lip ko wi dEkaew the ipanese langtage how to gO to the ces tey we 1 si 上 signs were necessary to do so, and deGded to male ta 本| They fnally made smple pture itiout any japanese words on them. vieh peepllwh6 didme know the Japanese language could easily undetand Fe eample someone who Wanted to g0 t0 the swimming pool could go there by fmdms ir ay im Tokyo. So they beean os sign which had a simple picture of a swimming person and following the sign. TeY signs for all the sports. These signs were made and used in Tokyo for the fmNt tm the htory of the Olympic Games。 The simple picture signs helped as lot of pey That is to me Vfhe Japanese angtage. t janguges are used in the world. 、 Iple pictures we can get over language differences. Japanese

