

次の設問(AXBIに答えなさい。 43 ) に入る最も適切なものを選択肢①〇ー④の中 0 (A) 次の文章の意味が通るように、( 40 から 1 つずつ選びなさい。 Cleaning Abroad From an eariy age Japanese people are taught to be responsible for the environment they uSe. This can be seen in elementary schools where children share the cleaning of their classroom floorS They think it is natural that paid cleaners clean Such acustom is sumprisingto( 40 ) However the custom seems to help Japanese societ For example leaving trash in pubtic places is rare compared to many other countries. In this nation the streets, parks and transport systems are ( 41 。)。 Sometimes, howeverf when you take your custon abroad。 it can cause unexpected responses. Tn the soccer World Cup in Brazil in 2014, the woridf's media noticed an unusual happening athe Tm the game。 Japan lost 2-1『bTSeveral hundred Japanese end ofJapan's game against the Ivory Coast fans slayed im the Stadium and pot trash in blue plastic bags。 The pictures and videos of this behavior 42 )fordeaning the ere shown in various media around the world, As a result。 the fans ( stadium。 | However Some people said the cleaning was not necessarybecause profesional cleanerS Were already paid to do this work, They-asooted that stadiums were left clean, the cleaners would lose 43 ) in other countries. theirjobs. Clearly, you have to be careful when (
40. ① mostJapanese people ② their teachers people from other countries ) their parents often untidy usually very narrow full of trash ) generally very clean b 負. received much criticiSm had a fight gained much praise 42. の S(⑤) 内 記 り got paid @ you follow local customs | you follow your customs you learn local customs 間 You give uD your CuStoms ド てうっ ーー h曲 ・ YETT



