

丙. 水台湊 Le to Work Day 六:3090% 也at 紀ere had been an increase in 廬人 世e motives fhy nof glive it aftry? 各7 )J6. (A) promises 4 集 )( (A) 人enumber (B) anumber 人 悄 ) 6 (人 has (B) is ( 和 孚 , (A) Besides (B) However (AG)計 (B) Cf 圖 人40 (A)u (B) produces -an you stop taking motorizced Vehieles to work for one month? “In May in the U.S. there are Bike and Bike to_ Work Week, and May is also Bike Month. “These were established by the League of American Bicyclists (LAB), which 76. ccycling and bike safety. The association noted of people who biked to work as their primary mode Gf franSport. 約 finding applied only to half of one percent of all Amerieans. The following 8 Or biking to work: Improving one's health and fitness, preventing air pollution, avotding fa和ic congesfion, saving money on gas, and avoiding parking fees and hassles. Unlike some events一such as Earth Day and AIDS Day一Bike to Work Day, Bike to Work Week, and 表e Month are not observed Internationally. some fype of Bike Day or Bike Week. 2 。Inany places, including Taiwan, have held any local government, community group, or company 呈feresfed in encouraging cycling, fhe LAB offers a comprehensive, Step-by-Sstep guide on their website. (C) promotes (D) employs 只 number 說叨 the numbers ((G@) ae ) Was (C) Moreover (D) Thus (C) On (D) For


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Emily Hong



