

one the less happy 次の日本語を英訳しなさい。 彼が去ってしまった今となっては,彼がいなくてとてもさびしい。 Nor that he has gone, Ⅰ miss him very much. 2. 先生はもっと早くテストのことを知らせなかったことを生徒に謝った。 (大阪商業大) The Code teacher apologized to students for mot houjing much earlier informed 1 (東京大) 3. 今朝は電車が大変混んでいたので、私は東京駅までずっと立ち通しでした。 of the (大) exam, Since the train was very busy, I have been Standing this morning dor iding to Tokyo station, 10
D 1. @Now that he is gone, we miss him very badly. Since he has gone, we miss him very much. KAM Now that he's gone, I am very lonely without him. @(KAR) Now that he's not here, I feel very lonely without him. 「~しまった今となっては」 には Now that + SV ~ を用いる。 MS2と4参照。 miss 「〜がいなくてさびしい」 badly は口語で状態の程度を強調するのに用いら れる。 2. The teacher apologized to his students for not informing them of the exam earlier. The teacher apologized to his students for not having told them about the exam earlier. (*) The teacher apologized to the students for not telling them about the test sooner. @*) The teacher said he was sorry that he had not told them about the test earlier.
apologize to + 人 + for ~ 「〔人〕に~のことで謝 る」 for 以下に謝罪する理由がくる。 → inform + 人 + of ~ 「〔人〕に~を知らせる」 3. @The train was very crowded this morning, so I had to stand all the way to Tokyo Station. ⑥ The train was so crowded this morning that I had to stand all the way to Tokyo Station. ⑩ (米人訳) Since the train was very crowded this morning, I stood all the way to Tokyo Station. ⑩ (米人訳) The train was so crowded this morning that I stood all the way to Tokyo Station. 結果を表す so (that) + SV ~ (それで〜, そのた め〜)か, because などの理由を表す接続詞を用 いる。



