

(A) erect 16 (B) mock (C) infect UR auryloggiH sviver of mir beglad allon 第8關 (D) patrol 閱讀擂臺 autvloggiH ovse of auo mort noiseimmoq bonisido oH (O) Dr. Stuart Campbell of a private health center in London has published some vloggi no noiletsgo na bentia vituone H (C) ultrasound images of unborn babies between 26 and 34 weeks. The smiles of the babies in the pictures greatly shocked the public and were widely circulated on the internet. 建議作答時間 5 分鐘 anogrod mont boold to althod Hsina sil 實際完成時間 分鐘 For the past two years, the doctor has used the medical facility in the center and has offered state-of-the-art 3-D / 4-D scanning services to expectant parents. He performs an average of 30 scans a week. His outspoken enthusiasm for this blessed technology is refreshing. "Parents love them," he said. "I hear so many couples laughing when they see the pictures-it's wonderful." How have pro-abortion activists reacted after seeing the happy, grinning photos of these unborn babies? aydoal to dirido odT (A)- Anne Carp, a commentator for the Guardian who bills herself as a "medical sociologist," says the photos are simply misleading. She further mocks the anti-abortion lobby for being "excited with evidence of a fetus' humanity." Australian Birth Control bait gaite sesd you boll




