

3 次は,アメリカからの留学生のケイト (Kate) と, 高校生の勇太 (Yuta) との対話と, その日の夜に勇太が書いた日記の一部である。これらを読んで、後の各問に答えよ。 (One Monday morning. ) Kate Good morning, Yuta. Yuta : Good morning, Kate. You look sleepy. What's up? Kate: I went to bed late last night because I was talking a lot with my host family. Yuta Oh, I see. events. Kate: Some differences between America and Japan, for example, food, sports, and I think (find / we/ it's / to / interesting) differences in culture. Yuta: I think so, too. How about schools? Did you find any differences? Kate: Yes. For example, on the first day in Japan, I was surprised because my host brother walked to school by himself. In America, students - especially elementary school students go to school by school bus, or their parents drive them to school. Yuta: Really? In Japan, most students walk or ride a bike to school. I often get up late and ask my mother, "Drive me to school, please." But she says, "No! Run to school!" ja Kate: That's funny. I have another interesting story. Teachers here often say, "Take your textbooks home. Don't leave them at school." But students in America must leave them at school. Yuta Really? Why? Kate In America, students borrow textbooks from the states. We give them back at the end of the year. We (in/ not/them/ are/ write / must) or make them dirty. Yuta That's interesting! I want to know more about differences in culture. Kate Me, too. I want to talk about them with you. Do you have some time this weekend? Yuta I'm going to visit my grandfather's house on Sunday. But I'm ( f) on : Saturday. Please come to my house on Saturday. Kate OK. See you then. This morning I talked with Kate. She ( (1) ) me about some differences between American and Japanese schools. I was surprised that students in America [ 1. When I heard about that, I also became interested in differences in culture. So I'm going to talk about them with her on (@ ) at my house. 2
問2 対話文中の下線部 ① ② が意味の通る英文になるように,( )内の語を1回ずつ使って 正しい語順に並べかえよ。 ただし,( )内には不要な1語が含まれている。 また,解答記 入用紙には, 並べかえた( )内の語句のみを書くこと。 問3 対話文中の〔〕にあてはまる語を, 対話の内容から考えて, 1語で答えよ。〔 〕内 の文字で始まる語を完全な英単語の形で書くこと。 問4 日記中の( ) ①② にあてはまる語を, 対話と日記の内容から考えて, 1語ずつ答えよ。


✨ คำตอบที่ดีที่สุด ✨

Q2 ① it’s interesting to find
② We( must not write in them)
Q3 talking 土曜日に話す。

