

Complete the request for each situation: 1. You want to borrow a dollar from a friend for a cup of coffee. Can 2. You want to turn down your roommate's TV. Is it OK if 3. You want a classmate to give you a ride home after class. Would you mind 4. You want to use a friend's cell phone. Do you mind if 5. You want to borrow a friend's car for the weekend. I was wondering if 6. You want someone to tell you how to get to the subway. Could
Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given 7. Can I use your cell phone? 8. Could you ask Penny to stop by and talk to me? 9. Could I borrow your guitar? 10. Lend me your hairbrush .. (OK) . (would you mind) 001 1Joy pwob mut ogs .. (wonder) (mind) Choose the correct word: 11. My phone didn't work for a week. The phone company (accepted/denied/offered) an apology and took $20 off my 12. A friend of mine really loves to (do / owe / receive) compliments, but he never gives anyone else one. I don't understand why he's like that. 13. Carol is always talking on the phone. She makes a lot of class, but she rarely (makes / offers / returns) mine. Maybe she never listens to her voice mail! 14. I need to (ask for / give / turn down) a favor. Could you please give me a ride to school tomorrow? My bike has a flat tire! bill.
1.Would you mind- คุณจะรังเกียจไหม 2.Can you- คุณสามารถ 3.Could you please help me คุณจะกรุณาช่วยฉันหน่อยได้ไหม you 4.1 was wondering if coulde ฉันสงสัยว่าคุณสามารถ 5.I was wondering if- ฉันสงสัยว่า 6.Would it be possible- เป็นไปได้ไหม 7.Could you please- ได้โปรด 8.Can you please- ได้โปรด 9.Could you- คุณสามารถ 10.Can you please- 11. Will you- คุณจะ AST EMOZ XAM DOSHTAG AUOY SZU - บุญวัฒนา สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การ



