

10 15 5 B) Read the following e-mail, and choose the best answer to each question. From: To: Date: Subject: Dear Mr. Westbrook, Elaine McGee <E_McGee@kingsley.co.uk> Nicolas Westbrook <nic_westbrook@heymail.com> June 25 Fashion columns ((1X2) = 4 points × 2, (3) = 5 points) Hello. I'm the editor of Kingsley Press. I'm writing to ask you to write a column for our publication “SUNNY," a monthly magazine which has been providing useful information for middle-aged men so that they can lead their lives cheerfully and actively. I have read your fashion blog, and liked the pictures and descriptions., Each article was very understandable and told me you have good taste. Also, I was impressed with your extensive knowledge of art. Currently, there are a lot of middle-aged men who can't decide what to wear or are not good at shopping for clothing. If you wrote a fashion advice column, it would probably be a great help to our readers. We are planning a column series titled "Brush up your fashion now." I would like you to write a one-page column of about 400 words with a picture of coordinates monthly. I am offering you $100 per article, but I would like to discuss this and other details with you later. If your columns are popular, we will ask you to write other columns about art or movies. Please contact me if you are interested. Sincerely yours, Elaine McGee Kingsley Press
(1) Why is Elaine McGee writing this e-mail? She wants Mr. Westbrook to start a blog. 2 She wants advice on buying her clothes. 3 She is looking for a writer for her magazine. 4 She is interested in writing a column. (2) "SUNNY" magazine includes information about men's lifestyle 2 will be started soon by Kingsley Press 3 is mainly read by people who study art 4 has not been selling well recently (3) What will Mr. Westbrook probably do? He will contact Elaine to tell her about his blog. He will write back to Elaine if he wants a job as a designer. 3 He will send Elaine some photos for the cover of "SUNNY." 4 He will talk about payment with Elaine if he is interested.



