

Circle the correct answer 1. Let me a. Make 2. "Let me a. Offer 3. "Let me .... 14. 8. "Can I ......... my own decisions." b. made a. Open b. opened and a. Move c. making to help you." c. offered the door for you." c. opening b. offering 9. "Can I 4. "Let me pause a. think 5. "Let me a. Welcomed b. welcome c. welcoming your question?" 6. "Can I a. Answer b. answering c. answered 7. "Can I the event?" Topic-3 Exercise b. though a. Attended b. attending c. thinking you to the neighborhood." about what we are doing." b. moved c. attend to another spot?" c. moving you tomorrow?" a. Call b. called c. calling 10. "Can I .................. this later?" a. Complete b. completed c. completing 11. I don't know what to ............. for dinner." a. Eat b. eating c. ate 12. "I don't know what to .................. you for your birthday." a. Buy b. bought c. buying 13. "I don't know what to 11 a. Say b. said c. saying "I don't know what to ....................with my spare time." a. Do b. does 15. c. doing "I don't know what to ...........….............for vacation." a. Know b. knew c. knowing
Topic-2 Exercise Circle the correct answer 1. "I'm dying to ........ a. Relax 2. "I'm dying to a. Picking b. picked 3. "I'm dying to ................. some desserts." 5. "I'm dying to a. Order b. ordered c. ordering a. Move 4. "I'm............... to find out if I got the job." a. Dying b. dye c. dyed .................. to a bigger house." b. moved c. moving you home." b. walked c. walking laundry." 6. "It's my turn to a. Walk 7. "It's my turn to a. Do 8. "It's my turn to on the beach." b. relaxing some fresh fruit." a. Walk 9. "It's my turn to 10. "It's my turn to b. does late." a. Take b. taking b. walked a. Choose b. chose 11. "I'm having a hard time. c. did c. relaxed c. walking out the trash." c. took where we eat." c. choosing a. Writing b. write 12."I'm having a hard time.….................. c. pick 11 c. wrote .you." a. Understanding b. understood b. joined c. understand 13."I'm having a hard time ............ your question." a. Answering b. answered c. answer 14.I think I should............... a. Practice 15. "I think I should ........... a. Join my reading." b. practiced c. practicing a study group." c. joining
Topic-4 Exercise Circle the correct answer 1. You'd exercise." a. Better b. good c. best .......... out." 2. "You'd better a. Help b. helped c. helping 3. "You'd better.................. your brother." a. Inviting b. invited c. invite 4. "You'd better.................... the judges." a. Impress b. impressed c. impressing 5. "You'd better to your parents." c. listened a. Listen b. listening 6. "You had better not a. Come b. came 14. a. Offer b. offered 9. "Are you trying to. 7. Are you trying to a. Memorize b. memorizing c. memorized 8. "Are you trying to home late." c. coming a. Program b. programed 10. "Are you trying to ....... a. Pretend b. pretending that song?" a. Standing your help?" c. offering 11. "Please ..........….. bothering me." a. Stopped b. stopping c. stop 12. "Please your new phone?" c. programing like it never happened?" c. pretended your hands before dinner." c. washing a. Wash b. washed 13. "Please ............. outside until we are ready." a. Wait b. waiting c. waited "Please ............. up your coat before you go outside." a. Zipped b. zip c. zipping ................. back." 15. "Please b. stand c. stood


