

EXERCISES U to anno1 1591103 srij prizt onizu A Fillin the blanks to complete the sentences. (1) はたいてい夕食前に散歩をする. My brother usually ( ) for ( (2) 父は妹を駅まで車で迎えに行った. My father ( ) ( (3) 空が暗くなった. 雨が降りそうだ. The sky has become dark. It's ( (4) 太陽は東から昇り西へ沈む. The sun ( ) ( (5) 姉は来月18歳になる. My sister ( ) ( ) ( ) the station to pick up my sister. ) ( ) the east and ( ) before dinner. deilgn3 C Correct the error in the underlined part. (1) We have to wait until the storm will weaken. (2) If you are tired, I'm going to take the wheel. oila (3) Steve learned that two moons went around Mars. Shaggad insbio )(). ) ( ) ( ) next month. B Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. (1) Ken did not know that (native / koalas / Australia / to / are ). (3) Are you free this afternoon?-Sorry. (go / I'm going he / going / cram school / to / to ). (2) My aunt (five years / when / China / in / lived / for) she was a child. SPI (4) Lend me the magazine (it / through / you / when / with / are ). ) the west. bal 14312 M3T32 TORRT. INT. (RNSJ-1181JJ-LI veigned Food T D Express the following in English. (1) 私の故郷は琵琶湖の南に位置する. 〔Lake Biwa] (2)もし何かご質問があれば,私にご連絡ください. gainialqmoo (3) その祭りは400年前に豊作を祈願するために始まった. 〔good crop] (4) 日本では毎年何千もの人々が交通事故で亡くなっている. (5) 私はこの夏初めて海外へ行くつもりだ . AAJL47JSM ei yoM.C esw naxi. 530-13



