
help me

Part One: Expressions (Items 1-15) Choose the best answer. 1. A: Could I use your phone for a moment? B: Help yourself. 1. Never mind it bund 3. By all means 2. 3. 4. 5-8 1. Hang out 3. Hold on A: I think I have an appointment with Mr. Johnson at 3 p.m. today. Is that right? please. Let me check the timetable first. Yes, that's right. 2. Hold up- B: 4. Hang up 1. How long does it take 3. How do you do it Test 2 A: That salad was delicious. B: Oh, it's very easy. Do you want to write it down? A: Yes, I will. 2. Not at all 4. That's alright Lucy: You look tired. Paul: Lucy: Paul: A: I heard that there's a big sale this weekend. Do you want to go shopping? B: I'm broke. A: Well, we can still do some window shopping, can't we? 1. I don't feel like it 2. I don't like it 3. I feel bad 4. I don't care 2. How is it 4. How do you make it _5_________ last night? No. I had a bunch of my friends over and we partied until the wee hours. 6! I guess I just can't take late nights like I used to. My head is spinning and I have a migraine. แนวข้อสอบ GAT ภาษาอังกฤษ
Pe the names of the mor 5. 6. 7. 8. Lucy: I think you need to go home and take a rest. Paul: 7 1. Didn't you get enough sleep 3. What did you do 1. No chance you look so bad 3. No wonder you look so bad 1. I'll do that 3. Yes, I do 1. I'll keep my eyes open 3. I'll stay with you 9-12 Amy: John: Lucy: Don't worry. 8 But next time, watch the partying, OK? But I don't think I can keep my eyes open long enough to drive home. Apri May Jun 9. 1. What's the story Jul Augu Septe Octo Nove m Decemb Date 3. What's the relationship 10. 1. I can't wait for him anymore 3. I can't stand him anymore house hasnangnes เดิม ห 11. 1. If he could be more patient 3. If he could hang in there 12. 1. I'll just keep pushing it 3. I'll just keep pressuring it เกียง NM 20 ดร. ศุภวัฒน์ พุกเจริญ 1 เดือนตุล กกน เดือน นาน 2. No, I don't 4. I wish I could 9 between you and Brian? Did you guys have a fight or something? 10. He has such a short fuse that even a little piece of friendly advice sets him off. 2. Did you stay up 4. When did you sleep Amy: So what did you tell him? John: I told him that__11___ and try not to lose his temper so easily, he would be more popular. Amy: No wonder he threw a fit. His popularity is really a sore spot. John: Well, I guess___12_______. That'll teach me to give advice! Amy: Not unless you want to die! 2. No need you look so bad 4. No reason you look so bad 2. I'll give you a ride home 4. I'll wake you up 2. What's missing 4. What's going on enon's 2. I can't figure him out 4. I can't apologize to him 2. If he could stay still 4. If he could step in 2. I'll just keep my head cool 4. I'll just keep my mouth shut
mn Tions. REMEMBER: We use in before the i P season? birthday? we celebrate in December? deat season in the year? test seaton in go to the be skote 13-15 Jan: Gary: Jan: Gary: Jan: 13. 1. I have no opportunities 3. I should forget about it 14. 1. I wouldn't say that 3. I wouldn't bother 18. 15. 1. Everything will change Gary, you look so worried. What happened? Well, I want to get into that class, but I just found out that there are so many people on the waiting list. I guess _______13________ 14 openings. You never know. I hope so. Come on, cheer up. Don't worry so much. _______15_____ 3. Everything will work out just fine Many people might drop the class and then there will be some 16. Experiments are often. 1. discussed 3. conducted 17. The greatest physical have under their chins. 1. danger 3. attraction Part Two: Vocabulary (Items 16-30) Items 16-25: Meaning in Context Choose the best alternative to make the sentence(s) meaningful. Jun July Augu Septe Octo Nove m Decemb Datel 1. Basically 3. Initially 2. I wouldn't dare 4. I wouldn't try more students signed up later on. 2. Just leave it to chance 4. I believe in it 2. chances are probably slim 4. it's time to consider another class in a laboratory under controlled conditions. 2. debated 4. mentioned เดือนกรกฎาคม เดือนสิงหาค Wow เล hog 2. comfort 4. distinction เดือนธันวาคม between humans and apes is the hollow space humans 2. Certainly 4. Primarily only two students signed up to help the children at the orphanage. However, แนวข้อสอบ GAT ภาษาอังกฤษ 23


