

次の英文を読み、以下の問いに答えなさい。 Cow. Chicken. Grass. Which two are in the same group? Your answer depends on where you were born and raised. T fedt af gnofed For a long time, *research psychologists have had an idea that East Asians and Westerners think about the world in different ways. There was not enough scientific *evidence to support this idea until recently. In the past 15 years, however, researchers have learned a lot about different thinking styles and the cultural differences that produce them. The story begins in 1972, when *Liang-Hwang Chiu, a professor of *educational psychology at *Indiana University, tested more than 200 Chinese and 300 American children. He showed some cards to each child. Each card had pictures of three things. One card, for example, showed a cow, a chicken, and grass. Chiu asked the children to say which two things were in the same group. Most of the American children picked the chicken and cow. They explained the reason by saying that "both are animals." Most of the Chinese children, however, put the cow and grass together because "cows eat grass." solib - People didn't think Chiu's study was very important in the years after its *publication because $*psychological scientists at that time paid little attention to cultural differences. In the 1990s, however, *cross-cultural psychology became 2"hot" and Chiu's findings were paid attention to again. 3 Researchers at the University of Michigan did Chiu's study again by testing college students from China, Taiwan, and the United States. Without using pictures, the researchers gave the students with and asked them to say which two three words shampoo, hair, and conditioner, for example 20 were in the same group. The Americans were more likely than the Chinese to say that shampoo and conditioner go together because they're both hair care goods. The Chinese were more likely to say that shampoo and hair go together because "shampoo washes and cleans hair." Why do East Asians and Westerners think differently? Most researchers believe the answer can be Taplapo 77 Step A Step B Step C
found in their cultural backgrounds and *upbringing. ④4 East Asians are *oriented toward 25 *interdependence, harmony, and relatedness. Westerners are typically oriented toward independence autonomy, and individual achievement. These different social orientations produce different patterns in other words different thinking styles. Interdependent people think about objects as a part of * contexts that *include relationships, and independent people tend to focus of *perception and thought on groups that are decided by *shared properties such as "*animal-ness." Can independent people and interdependent people be found within the same country? (⑤) Researcher *Nicole Knight recently used some different kinds of the “cow, chicken, grass" test to southern Italians (they are often thought to be interdependent) and northern Italians (they are often thought to be independent). When they were given three words such as “monkey, panda, and banana,” northern Italians were more likely to say that monkey and panda are in the same group because they 35 belong to the same group (animals). Southern Italians, however, were more likely to say that monkey and banana are in the same group because they have arelationship (monkeys eat bananas). The “cow, chicken, grass" studies have found just one of many thinking *phenomena that are different from one cultural background to another. [城北高〕 30 注 research psychologists 研究を専門とする心理学者 evidence 証拠 Liang-Hwang Chiu リアン・ワンチウ (人名) educational psychology 教育心理学 Indiana University インディアナ大学 publication 発表 psychological scientists 心理学の科学者 50 in the University of Michigan ミシガン大学 cross-cultural psychology 異文化間心理学 be likely to~ 〜しがちである upbringing育った環境 be oriented toward ~ (考え方などが)~に方向付けられる interdependence 相互依存 perception 認識 context 文脈・状況 include ~を含む shared properties 共通する特徴 animal-ness 動物であること Nicole Knight ニコール・ナイト (人名) phenomena 現象 (1) 下線部 ① について, アメリカ人の子供と中国人の子供はそれぞれどのような理由でどの2つを 選びましたか。 句読点を含めて60字以内の日本語で説明しなさい。 haalbu TOM Will (2) 下線部②について, hot が本文と同じ意味で使われている文をア~エから1つ選びなさい。 ア A lot of people go swimming in the sea on a hot day. イ This tea is too hot for me to drink. ウ Korean singers are now hot in Japan. 工 Many people buy ice cream when it becomes hot in summer. (3) 下線部③について, Liang-Hwang Chiu の実験方法と違う点を、句読点を含めて10字以上15字以 内の日本語で説明しなさい。 (4) 下線部④について, 東アジア人と西洋人の典型的な思考をまとめた下の表の(a)~(e) に入る適切な日本語をア~キからそれぞれ1つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。 78
S k IS CO en 19 ey ey ce 高〕 を East Asians 相互依存 ) ( a ア 自立 ウ 自主性 オ他人との関わり キ 自己嫌悪 Westerners C d e イ 協調性 エ 個人の達成 力 積極性 ter 2 Practice Examinations a() b() c() d() e( ⑤) ( ⑤ )に入れるものとして最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選びなさい。 イ Yes, we can. ア No one knows. e() ウ Of course yes. I No, they can't. ( ) 次のア~オのうち,本文の内容と一致しているものには○,一致していないものには×を書き 第2章 実戦入試対策 Step Step なさい。 ア 長い間,心理学者は西洋人と東洋人では考え方が違うと考えていたが,その科学的な証拠 ( ) が見つかっていなかった。 イ Liang-Hwang Chiuは500名以上の子供に3つの絵が描いてあるカードを見せてどの2つが仲 ( ) 間かを聞いた。 ウ Liang-Hwang Chiu が1972年に実験をしてからの15年間で,人の考え方についてのさまざま ( ) なことが分かってきた。 ( ) I 西洋式の考え方と東洋式の考え方のどちらを身につけるかは,生まれた時点である程度決 まっていると考えられる。 ( ) オ 文化の違いによる思考の違いのうち,この実験では明らかになっていないものもまだまだ 多数存在する。 Step C



