

(22:25 Stage 2 Lesson 13 異文化 213 (1A )(1B )( 1C ) にそれぞれ入る顧も適切な動詞を次の中から選び,文脈に応じ 調切な形(現在形 現在分調形·過去分調形のいずれか)に変えなさい。 開西学院大001枚田大 12点x3=6点 [give, involve, need, stare, vary ) 次の文章を読み、設問に答えなさい。[0点) 376 words (1A) (1B) (1C) Attitudes toward time differ from country to country and culture to culture. Americans, for example, are customarily later than the times announced or scheduled for appointments and parties, though how late (1A ) with the occasion and the particular COuntry. In contrast, Germans and Swedes and Americans from the northern states expect people to arrive precisely on time and will sometimes stand outside a door ( 1B at their watchuntil the exact moment to knock or ring the bell. Consequently, anyone who hopes to do business abroad or simply demonstrate good manners while traveling around the globe ( 1C ) to learn new codes of etiquette to fit in with local custom. Learning local time custom will not only fatter your hosts and make your visits more 10 pleasant, but will also amake you a good ambassador abroad; instead of causing embarrassment, misunderstanding, and offense, you will demonstrate your respect for your host culture and your own international aptitude, Although you yourself must learn what is polite a in terms of time in any given place, it helps to have some general guidelines for wide areas, In the main, northern areas are 15 more precise about time and southern areas less. A dinner invitation for seven o'clockin Chicago, which has a strong northern European influence, means that you must arrive at or before that time, while a dinner invitation for seven in New Orleans, which has a strong Italian, Spanish, and French influence, means you should come sometime between 7:15 p.m. and 8o'clock. In Sweden, a 7 p.m. invitation means a7 p.m. arrival time, while in Mexicoa7 p.m. invitation means not before 7:30 or 8 p.m. and a 7 p.m. party invitation might mean "Come around 10 or 11 p.m." Americans who are invited to a Mexican party scheduled for 7 p.m. and who arrive at 8 p.m. might find themselves the first guests of the evening. In Arab countries, in contrast, a dinner invitation might be incredibly flexible; in fact, in some rural areas it might mean, "show up sometime on the invited day" if it is for a celebration. In other words, s you should find out what the local custom of time and invitation involves before you set out for dinner or a party. Latin 下線部(2)とはどういうことか。日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 bo d 下線部)の意味を、(~(dから1つ選びなさい。 …の観点から b) …の用語で () と同様に ) とは別に 下線部(4) "some general guidelines for wide areas" の内容を70字以内の日本語で説明しな さい。 【10点 5 下線部(5)を和訳しなさい。 【8点 本文の内容と一致するものには○を、一致しないものには×をつけなさい。 3点x3-15点 (a) All people in the USA will arrive on time and wait for the exact time to knock on the door. b Learning local time custom will demonstrate your respect for your host culture and your own international aptitude. (C) People in New Orleans are more precise than people in Chicago in terms of appointed time. いr w In the Arabian countryside, people should appear on time when invited to a party. Its not necessary to learn the local rule about time and invitation before you set out for a party.


