

wit 7中学生の真理 (Mari) は, 友人の佳奈(Kana)の誕生会を開くことについて, 留学生のベス (Beth)に相談しています。よく読んで,(1)~(5)の問いに答えなさい。 (注)sound ~=~に聞こえる . don't ~, either Mari:Beth, Kana's birthday is coming soon! Beth : Really? Mari :This Friday. I'm going to have her birthday party at my house next Sunday. Beth:That sounds_nice. Who is going to come to the party? Mari :Keiko and Hina/ are. Are you free next Sunday? Could you come to the party while ~= ~する間に surprised = 驚いて …もまた~ない 三 ● の if you have time? Beth: Mari: We ③【make /want/ happy /-to / her ]. Do you have any ideas? 2 I will. Beth:Let's see. In my family, we sometimes make special food. I_tried that once on my mother's birthday.I made a dinner while she was out. When she got home, she was very surprised to see it. Mari:Oh, that's interesting. Beth: Why don't we make a birthday cake for Kana? Mari:Oh, that's a good idea. ④私は, 彼女がそれを好むことを望みます。 Beth : Don't worry. She will! Ill bring some juice to the party. Mari : Bring juice? Why? Beth : In America, when we go to a party, we usually bring something to eat or drink. Mari:I didn't know ⑤ that. Maybe Keiko and Hina don't know that, either. I will 3
tell them about it. Beth: Well, I would like to learn more about Kumamoto. の私は,彼女らに熊本で作られた食べ物を持ってきてほしいです。 Kumamoto. Beth :I want to try some. Is the party next Friday? Mari : No. Her birthday is next Friday, but the party is next Sunday. Beth : OK. Mari: Me, too. See you then. の び,記号で答えなさい。 I don't think so. Where will you have a party? オ I'm sorry, I can't. 2に入れるのに最も適当な英文を,次のア~カからそれぞれ一つずつ。 ア イ When is it? ウ エ Of course. カ How wil you come to the party? (2) 3の【 (3) 下線部の,⑥を英語になおしなさい。 (4) 下線部⑤はどのようなことを指していますか。日本語で具体的に書きなさい。 内の語をすべて正しく並べかえて, 英文を完成させなさい。 |に,対話の流れに合うように, 自由に英文を書きなさい。た だし、3語以上の1文とし, ピリォド(.)やコンマ(,)などの符号は語数に含めないも のとする。 (aY2YAY5)タ2占 uoと (1)冬1点 5
(4)| 6|マ t T'iaiパー I'm looking torward I in see every oue 8 次の英文は, 博美(Hiromi)がおばあちゃんから学んだことについて新聞に投稿した内容 です。よく読んで,(1)~(5)の問いに答えなさい。 mY call = 電話に出る expensive = 高価な 5





