

5on 5 SELRead 物語文 I Have a Dream 『回 der the law の下で troom(s) strù:m(z)]トイレ In 1955, there used to be many things black people の atain(s) [fáuntan(z)] Y in the United States could not do under the law. There drinking =ir [Anféar] 平な ement [mú:vmant] were restrooms thev could not use. There were fountains they could not use. There were bus seats they ing Idrinkin] の) could not use. ng fountain(s) in fàuntan(z)] の水飲み器 These unfairlaws upset many people. 2② One of Luther them was Martin Luther King, Jr. He heard about the Jr. a lú:0ar kin Eいは arrest of Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama. He said, *ルーサー ゴュニア(名前) “We cannot stand it anymore. Let's start a movement. mery mari] コー(地名) Everyone has a right to take any seat on any bus. We [elabema] 自名) 10 shall never give up." LADIES MEN 20世紀半 COLORED 南部の州 人への人 められて してジ れた。 るものと
Here is a famous quote from his speech. 5 Text Words 1。 Djustice [dsistas] 正義 Zcar(s) [ká:r(z)] 車 boycott [báikàt| le ere ボイコット のlast(ed) [laest(ad)] 続く ng 2be free to 自由に…することができる ey Danywhere [énihwèar] どこにでも バスを使わずに歩く人たち 通学や通勤のために車に相乗りする人たち Dachievement [atfi:vmant] 業績 of Dr. King led the people of Montgomery ina fight Zinspire(d) linspáior(d)] 奮い立たせる 2 quote [kwóut] 引用 for justice. They fought in a peaceful way. They stopped le Lincoln Memorial [linkon mam5:rial] リンカーン記念館 riding city buses. Some walked to work and school. Others shared cars. Many people supported the Bus gathered 集点 led 導た e 10 ; Boycott, even some white people. Their fight lasted for 5 more than a year. They finally won, and black people were free to sit anywhere on the bus. This achievement 目 Notes inspired courage in many people. They joined the ●shall (p.74) shall はやや古い英語だが、 話し手の強い意志を表し、 肯定文では「必ず…する」, 否定文では「決して…しな い」の意味。公民権運動を 象徴する歌 「We Shall Overcome」(直訳すると「私 たちは必ず勝つ」)にもこの shall が使われている。 movement and worked hard to change other unfair laws. 0 In 1963, over 200,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C. to support justice for all. Dr. King made d great speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. ●Dr. King キング牧師のこと。 Dr. (doctor の略)は博士号を取 得した人への敬称。キング 牧師はボストン大学神学部 の博士課程を修了している。 seventy-five 75 hn
「どんな問題があったか」、 「解決するために何をしたか」、 「その結果どうなった Ihave a dream that one day we will Get Ready 物語を読む前に確認しよう。 STAGE 1 (1)知っているアメリカの偉人をあげてみよう。 その人たちはどのような夢をもっていたと思いますか。 Read 物語の概要をとらえよう。 STAGE 2 Guide 1 英文に書かれている順に番号を書こう。 () キング牧師のスピーチ: (d) 当時の黒人の状況: (b) キング牧師の夢の現在: (e) ローザ·パークスさんの事件: lo (c) 人種差別撤廃運動: Guide 2 次の質問に答えよう。 (1) What were some unfair laws? (2) How did Dr. King and people of Montgomery fight for justice? (3) What did black people get after the fight? (4) What did Dr. King do in Washington, D.C. in 1963? (5) What happened to Dr. King after the speech? Goal 物語の概要を図にまとめよう。 21 Unfair Laws A Fight for Justice The Speech After the Speech In 1955 * Dr. King and people In 1963 In 1964 of Montgomery fought * Dr. King made * Dr. King won could not do many in things * The fight lasted for from the steps of the In 1968 * Rosa Parks was Lincoln Memorial. →Dr. King was 00:S eml 5 in * They finally won, and black people were Montgomery. o0odee in STAGE 3 Think & Speak English りよい社会にするために何をしたらよいか考え, キング牧師のスピーチにならって宣言しよう。 10 VCheck Tips for Reading 次の語句は何を指していますか。 These unfair laws (p.74, 1.6), This achievement (p.75, 1.7) か」を押さえながら読んでみよう。



