

15 増え続けるごみの処理に迅速な対策を立てなければならない。 Prompt measures should be taken to [ oe! ] the ever increasing quantities of garbage. (a) stand up (b) deal with (O bring about () get along 間4.各組 適当な語または語句を(a) ~ (d) から一つ選びなさい。 20 の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空所に入る最も 16 No praise is too much for what he has done. You [ 16 1praise him too much. (b) cannot (c) shouldn't (d) shall (a) could 17 A man of your age should know better. ] to understand things like that. (b) almost able You are [ (d) under age (a) old enough () growing on Iwill take my father's place in his absence. Iwill act [ (a) by 18 1my father in his absence. (b) for (c) beside (d) with 19 This is too much for me. This is [ ]I can bear. (a) much less (b) nothing (c) more diffcult (d) more than He is in no condition to make a long trip. Ja long journey. 20 He [ (a) has come back from (b) should enjoy (c) cannot stand (d) might be on 間5. 空所に(a)~(d)の語または語句を使って 21 25 の英文を完成す る時、3番目に来るものを選びなさい。なお、大文字で書くべきところも全て小文字に してあります。 21 私に何をさせたいのですか。 What would [ 1? (a) do (b) have () you (d) me


