

ZR0 CONDITTONAL - CERTAINTY IF/WHEN CONDITION RESULT PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE If/When you heat butter it melts RESULT IF/WHEN CONDITION PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE Butter melts If/when you heat it We use the zero conditional when the result of the condition is always true and obvious. Exercise Write the verbs in brackets. Use the ZERO conditional. 1-If it (rain), the streets (get) wet. 2-My mother (get) angry when I (not do) my homework every day. 3- If you (run) too fast, you (get) really exhausted. 4-1 can't (understand) Elizabeth when she (speak) so quickly. 5-If Madeleine (miss) the seven o'clock train, she (be) late for work. 6- When you | (turn on) an electric al appliance, the electricity meter (go) up. 7- My little sister always (cry) when she (be) hungry. 8-When you |(drink) too much alcohol, you sure (get) drunk. It's dangerous. 9-The mountains (get) white when it (snow). 10-If you (don't drink) enough water, yoน (become) dehydrated. 11-You (gain) weigh if you (eat) too much sugar and fried food. 12-When my mother (have) a toothache, she always, (take) an aspirin. 13-If you (mix) red and blue, you, (get) purple. 14-Plants | (die) if they (not get) enough water. 15- If you (break) a leg, it (hurt) and it's very painful. 16- When my friends (tell) me an important secret, I never (tell) it to anyone. 17- You (get) a substantial fine if you (not pay) your taxes. 18- If you (not get) enough vitamins and iron, you| (suffer) from anaemia.



