

時事新試用 Kre New Coronavirus Lisa Elmer CIDRAP News Feb. 10, 2020 The new Coronavirus (Covid-19) hit China at the end of December 2019. The virus first appeared at a market in Wuhan. So far, there are 40,000 cases and 910 deaths all over the world. That means the Covid-19 killed more people than SARS in 2002 and 2003. Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses, and infections are common in animals. Scientists think that bats might be hosts for viruses, and then the viruses jumped to other animals and people. After people ate the animals, they started to get sick. The early sign of the infections is having a fever. Then, like the common cold, people spread the virus by coughing and touching. Because it is a new virus, there is no vaccine or medicine to treat it, and few scientists know ways to stop Covid-19 from making more people sick. To slow the spread of infections, we had better put the following into practice. First, wash our hands often and for at least 20 seconds. Second, wear a face mask when you go to the hospital. Third, cover your mouth and nose when you cough. Finally, stay home if you're sick. virus is infection 1 host a spread 散布 vaccine
c U keep our hands clean by washing them often. (D) Shake hands when we meet each other. 38 Lisa Elmer, the reporter from CIDRAP, already reported a lot about the Covid-19. Which is NOT the news headline before Feb.10? headline 新聞頭條 (A) Scientists are still working on bringing Covid-19 out into the light. (B) The head of WHO says there will be more cases outside of China. (C) China's Covid-19 cases top 50,000; deaths pass 1,000. (D) China reported 21 new cases. They all worked at the Wuhan market.


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這篇報導是2/10的 而文章內容說全世界目前4萬個案例,910死亡 然後題目說 不可能在2/10出現的頭條是:C 因為c選項是中國有高達5萬個案例1000死亡
跟文章不符合的地方是:文章是全世界 選項是中國 而且數字也不符合 不可能2/10之前的案例會比2/10當時的案例多
