
ช่วยหน่อยค่า ครูสอนแต่วันนั้นไปได้ไปโรงเรียน😿

สื่อการสอนใบงานวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ (ภาษาอังกฤษ) เรื่อง Name : Personality Adjective No ครูผู้สอน Fill in the gaps with the ad.jectives. patient cheerful clever confident lazy. clumsy friendly impatient fนnny บnfriendly cowardly moody quiet polite shy 9entle honest selfish brave hardworking 1. His dad is He can wait for hours. 2. Annie is such a girl. She is always laughing and smiling. 3. He is He works long hours. 4. When I broke my leg,the nurse was so that she hardly hurt me at al. 5. She is 100% Id leave my money, car, anything, for her to look after. 6. Susan is the most person I'ye ever met. She's always smiling and telling jokes! 7.Children are often really They hide behind their mothers when guests come. 8. Don't be so Paul. You've got to learn to share things with other children He always says "Please" and "Thank you". boy. he often gets mad without a reason. 9. Zak is verY .. 10. Pete doesn't say a lot. He is a 11. Peter is rather 12.I am very hardworking but my brother is He never does his homework! 13.Sara is very.. She always speaks loudly, or answers a teacher's questions very fast and loudly because she feels certain or sure. 14. John is veryY He always does well in tests. 15. Jackson is a leader. He doesn't afraid anything.

