

1S+V+O+O, S+V+O+Cの受動態 119 1. Santa Claus gives children wonderful presents. 0 → a. Children are given wonderful presents by Santa Claus. b. Wonderful presents are given to children by Santa Claus. 2. My classmates call the dog Ichiro. 120 0 C The dog is called Ichiro by my classmates. 1.0(人), 0(物)のそれぞれを話題の中心(=主語)にした表現が考えられる。 give 型:give, lend, send, show, tell, etc. O(人)を主語にした場合(→a) 0(物)を主語にした場合(→b): 普通はO(人)の前に to をつける。 buy 型:buy, make, cook, choose, get, etc. O(人)は主語にはしない。 25g GUCG gnuuk is uid T0ob sd O(物)を主語にし,必ずO(人)の前にfor をつける。 His grandmother made John this cake. 0T airdt nssla 0 * This cake was made for John by his grandmother. 2.0を主語にし, Cは〈be動詞+過去分詞〉の後にそのまま残す。 OLSUBca m 2 注意すべき受動態の表現 Saoforig 3. They say that she is the most popular singer in the U.S. 121 → a. It is said that she is the most popular singer in the U.S. b. She is said to be the most popular singer in the U.S. 4.I was spoken to by the girl yesterday. 5. The soccer player is known to many people in the world. 123 122 3. They say that (…と言われている, …だそうだ)の表現。 目的語(that 節)を主語にした場合(→a) that 節の主語を文全体の主語にした場合(→b) 4.群動詞を含む表現: 群動詞全体を1語の他動詞とみなす。 len3 ni gniwolo 1 The girl spoke to me yesterday. 5. by以外の前置詞を使った表現:be caught in ~, be covered with [in] ~、 be filled with ~, be made from [of] ~, etc. 3 日本語では能動態で表すが英語では受動態を使う表現 6. We were surprised at the newsflash. 124 その 7. Ten people were injured in the accident. 125 be 6.感情や心理状態を表す表現: be disappointed with [at/by] ~, be shocked by [at] ~, be excited about [at] ~, be interested in ~, be pleased ye be d be r be worried about ~, etc. with ~, be satisfied with ~, 7.被害を表す表現: be delayed, be hurt, be killed, be wounded, etc. ovel be b 9
ewrite the sentences in the passive voice. ) Lucy sent Jim the email. * Jim → The email Ttey大K Rowiing) T9eriW 2) The Tanakas named their baby Ryo. Smoi The baby Harny P )oto (3) Meg bought her mother some roses. Tenol wot Some roses (4) Yoshiki painted the wall white. alot - The wall the Japanese | Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Wite ab the Har (1) My grandmother( was / care / of / taken ) in the nursing home. (2) Yogurt(made / milk / is / from ). (3) Many of my classmates ( be i (4) About 70 percent of the earth ( water / covered / with / is ). lqmo (5) Ms. Smith (looked up / her students / to / is / by ). (6) His bookshelf ( books / with / filled / comic / is ). / are / contact lens users / to / said ). (7) John(next exam / is / about / worried / the ) now. ty sn V-feoJ (8) Tim ( always / jeans / dressed / in / is ) and a T-shirt. (9) I(a/ caught / shower / in / was ) on my way home. Brite oovel anl G Express the following in English. Use the passive voice. (1)私はこの指輪をケンからもらった。 t 19m 2) 東京ドームはよくビッグエッグと呼ばれる. [the Big Egg」 (3)兄は新しい仕事に満足している. (4)彼女の電車は大雪のために遅れた。 5)玄米は健康によいと言われている. [brown rice」 od bor Let's Tru i
高校生 dualscope



