
答案分別是A C D A

( - f)Tused to eat a lot of Jjunk food because 1t tasted so (A) good (B) worse (C) bad 0 2 2版誠 4 2 )J6 Aftera spa treatment at HHappy Puppy, dogs come home _ “aU and relaxed. 【96 學測】 (A) will feel (B) to feel (C) have felt (D) feeling (ry2) / Peter stayed up ]ate last night, so he drank alot ofcoffee this mornling to keep 网 in class. 【99 學測】 A) acceptable“”ˊ 68) 1和 (C) accurate (D) awake (2人rm audience 和 were Jliterally out of thelir seats and singlng and dancing in the 烈采朮交. 【100 學測】 (A) brought (B) made (C) came (D) went 【 上偶 學F or 仙e soul to_ travel smoothly, the body had to 叔 HIEEE了具閏, 【100 學測】 (A) remaln (B) remlind (C) repair (D) replace ( 0 )久 We can 約 the splrlt golng by communicating often and conseiously. 【101 學測】 (A) push (B) keep (C bring (D) make
和用 WII WINGMUENGd With anger because his son ignored his advice (A) red (B) black (C) yellow tD) blue @號 芒【TsaW afock ofbirds “over the lake. (A) flew (B) was flying (C) flying (Dj to fly (AN 和 assengers should Keep/their Sean 7 during the 和fight (A) fastened (B) fasten (C) fastening (D) been fastened 稚 』) 五 Everyone was 加 by the passion ofthe young performer. (A) surprise (B) surprised (C) surprising (D) to surprlse 〔【 6 有 The grandfather 從 his newborn granddaughter Angel (A) kept (B) named (C) elected (D) appointed ( 水) (Orisa left 仙e window (/ when she left the language laboratory. (A) open (B) opening (C) close (D) closing ( 滲 @)The farmer did not pick 負e apples; rather, he 也em fall to the ground when 也ey were ripe. (AA) got Bad (0 let Di made ( 選 為I used to eat a lot of junk food because it tasted so 濕 。(A) good (B) worse (C) bad (D) welt24 2 只 After a spa treatment at Happy Puppy, dogs come home ] pampered and relaxed. 【96 學測】 “@will feel (8) to feel (0 have felt (D) feeling eter stayed 1
英文 基本句型


13. 這題跟10的結構很像
keep something + adj. 保持什麼東西 處於什麼狀態
leave the window + adj. 讓窗戶維持 什麼狀態 因此只能選open or close
而自然一點會說 他離開的時候,留著窗物開著。

make 當作使役動的語意就是 迫使/令 [某人] 做 [某事]
have 1. 使/叫 [某人] 做某事 (沒有強迫語意)
2. 令 [某物] 被怎樣(接被動Vpp)
let 允許/讓 [某人] 做某事
允許/讓 [某物/某件事情] 發生(接主動V.)

15. 這邊只是語言的習慣搭配
go crazy/mad/wild 語意都很類似
都是 (v.)瘋狂了 的意思
就跟 take a bath = (v.)洗澡 一樣

16. 語意就是 需要 【保持/處於】 沒有受損的狀態
remain 當動詞就是這個語意
稍微有點類似上面的keep, 後面接形容詞
They remain silent. 他們保持沉默
