

Wednesday。 January 13、1943 | find their houses are shut up.( Childre The children o on tt the Streets have no _no one helps them. They are SO hung carrots. There are tOO many children like this ocount ry that they even eat old ドイツ軍によって封鎖されたヨタダ大の牛 (ドイツ・ベルリシン) SB New Words taken [teikn] <take separate(d) [Separeitd)] retum* shut [IA <shWW coat$) [kout($)] sock(s) [sqk(s)] carrot⑯) [kaerats)] count [kaunt] begone so-that… 給 Tips 選 no - など, 同じ表現を繰り返し使うと強い印象を与えます。 100 one hundred O [al rock. nod_ SOe二誤記 1
Why do humans have war? Tdon'tunderstand why we live in peace. Tm afraid no one can find the answer. | TI believe that not only leaders but also ordinary Peop responsible for war. Deep down, people just want to we all change, wars will continue, and we will lose 選 we have made. o】 Does Anne believe that everyone is responsible for war? 2 wu human⑮) [hjrman(2] war[wo:7] leader$) [idsy(2)] ordinary [3:7d(3)neri] ft responsibe [rispGnssbl] deepldip] everythimg[evriOi] no 5 DSO 1 9麗玩間一 ま "Mi Why -? と自問する中て, PR Ta2 | one hundred and two ea i] peace, season. leader 1h [6 aarh narh。everythin9
and Strong. 『m living ii a big adventure. Tf I :織 time。 Iwont have any fun. Tm happy and cheerful. 1 feel 昌 m becoming a better every day.I feel the war wi end soon. 1 feel the goodness of people arou d me. With am these wonderful things, why despair Should ADo You BYes、1d 千婚式に向かうアンネと父 (右から 3 人目がアンネ, その隣が父オットー 1941 年) @ Does Anne complain all he iime? No. Why? despair(ed) [dispea7(d adventure [adventlay] complain [kamplein] goodness [gtdnss] Ne feeldown allthe time a big adventure 大いなる冒険( れ家ての生活をあえてコー 号gg加 滞ai ⑳ mm 還 トい Why should -? は「決してその必要はない」という強い気持ちを流べています。 Nm ーーィーーーテーーーィndfour airlgsy] chair stair despair ai[eil explajn onfartainmemt complain


