

英語 高校生

aなのですが、カンマで挟まれた動詞はどうやって訳せばよいのでしょうか?また、recallingは分詞構文ではなくて知覚動詞の heardに対応するものですか?

次の英文を読み、 設問に答えよ。 A child's mind is full of questions. Perhaps the greatest of these are the questions, 'Who am I?', 'What kind of person am I?', 'Where do I fit in?'. These are the questions of self-definition, upon which we base our lives as adults, and from which we make all our key decisions. Because of this, a child's mind is remarkably affected by statements which begin with the words, 'You are'. 2 Whether the message is "You are so lazy" or "You are a great kid," these statements from the important adults will go deeply and firmly into the child's unconsciousness. (A)I have heard SO many adults, overcome by a life crisis*, recalling what they were told as a child: “I am so useless, 人生の中での危機 I know I am.” Psychologists, like many professional groups, tend to complicate things just a little, and call these statements (³)‘attributions'. These attributions crop up* again and again in adult life. "Why don't you apply for the promotion?" "No, I'm not good enough.” "He's just like your last husband. Why did you marry him?" "I am just stupid, I guess.” These words - 'not good enough', 'just stupid' - did not come (c)out of the blue. (a)They are recorded in people's brains because (b)they were said to (c)them at an age when (d)they to question (e)their truthfulness*. I can hear you saying, "children must disagree with the 'you' messages they are given." Certainly children think about the things that are said to them, checking for accuracy. But they may have no comparisons. Sometimes we are all lazy, selfish, untidy, stupid, forgetful, mischievous, and so on. What our parents say is sometimes true of any of us. So, that is why children have no choice but to believe in what thai were unable n 66 e C

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